Win a Meet and Greet with DJ Squirm-a-Lot!

The Strawberry Band is a concept album, meaning the songs fit together thematically! One way The Strawberry Band tied the songs together was with a reprise, a type of song that repeats parts of past songs on the album, but they recorded it backwards! Can you help us decode the reprise?

Listen to the reprise here (and the whole album if it helps you crack the code), then tell us as much as you can decipher from the backwards part! One submission will win a meet and greet on Zoom with DJ Squirm-a-Lot!

The form below can only be filled out by grown-ups (age 18 and up). No purchase is necessary to win. Winner will be randomly selected on May 1st, 2020.

Listen to The Strawberry Band - Reprise on Spotify. The Story Pirates · Song · 2021.

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