Submit a Story

The Story Pirates believe that kids are creative geniuses. So we love reading any and all stories by kids, whether it’s a story for our podcast, something inspired by a Story Spark, or an old story that you’re still proud of. We read and respond to every single story even though we can’t adapt every story we receive. We call this Story Love! If your child would like to share their story with us, please take a moment to fill out the form below. This form should only be filled out by a parent or guardian over the age of 18. To view our terms and conditions, including our privacy policy,  click here.  Thanks!

Para español, haga clic aquí.

Story Guidelines:

1. This story can be ANY length--we want long stories, short stories, stories written as scripts, stories that are basically just one funny sentence, or ANY other kind of story that a kid comes up with. That includes audio, video, drawings, comics, sculptures, interpretive dance...

2. Stories must be totally original. We aren’t able to perform stories that are inspired by or include characters and plots from movies, television or books. Use your imagination!

3. Stories should be in kids’ own words. Adults can help kids get their stories down on paper, but there’s no need to edit or correct spelling or grammar.

4. For stories related to the Gabby’s Dollhouse Story Spark, see terms and conditions HERE.