DJ Squirm-a-Lot’s 2022 New Year’s Eve Bash… on the Moon!
DJ Squirm-a-Lot is throwing his annual New Year's Bash, and he wants to celebrate with the whole world! That’s why he’s inviting you to his 2022 Bash on the moon, where he can launch a fireworks show so big everyone will be able to see it back on Earth. It's like a million fireworks shows for the price of one! Join us for fun, games, special guests from the Story Pirates podcast, and a big New Year’s party that definitely WON’T be interrupted by DJ Squirm-a-Lot’s old nemesis Yorma the Ice Dragon, who is definitely NOT living on the moon now, and definitely WON’T be mad at having her peace and quiet broken by a big New Year’s party.
Families will be able to buy tickets for the New Year’s Eve Party on December 31st, register for three days of camp for more outer space adventures, or even join our top secret planning committee for a smaller and more interactive camp!
Find out first as soon as you can register by joining our interest list here: