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Story Pirates After School: Rolo's Bean Emporium

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Story Pirates After School: Rolo's Bean Emporium

Create a weird small business! Kids will decide on a company they would like to run, and design every detail, from the architecture of the building to the commercials and ad campaign to the recipes, inventions, or products that might be sold there. But this wouldn’t be Story Pirates if we didn’t turn it all into a weird story! Taking inspiration from our podcast where Rolo tries to run a Bean Emporium--but where things keep going hilariously wrong--we’ll create stories about employees at the business who keep messing things up! Wackiness will ensue!

This class meets every Tuesday from November 5th - November 18th, registration is for all 3 weeks. This class is a small group Clubhouse only, there is no SPTV Livestream on this day.

One registration per child is required.