A Barking Election (feat. Erika Henningson)

by Brody, age 10, California

It was a beautiful day in Hitsville and Mrs. Parker was thinking about the mayor. She did not like the current mayor because he was a stray dog. That's right. Mayor Rufus was a dog! She thought it was wrong. She wanted to run for mayor. The election was next week. She had enough time to think of a speech and campaign.

The next day she went to the park. “Hey everyone,” said Mrs. Parker. Just then Mayor Rufus walked by. “Ruff ruff,” barked Rufus. “I just wanted to say… vote for me for mayor! I am the right candidate for the job — not some dog,” said Mrs. Parker.

She spent the next few days preparing her speech. Then, it was time to vote, and the two candidates made their speeches. “Hey everyone. Today, I’m telling you why I would be the best mayor. I would put more stores in Hitsville. I would make the city safe. And, I would make Hitsville a better place. So vote for me for mayor.” Next up was Rufus. “Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.” That was Rufus’s speech. Next, everyone submitted their votes. They counted the votes and Mrs. Parker won! Rufus was sad, but then, Mrs. Parker adopted him. They lived happily ever after in the mayor’s mansion.

Song Credits:

Written by Jack Mitchell
Produced by Jack Mitchell and Brendan O’Grady
Associate Produced by Sam Bair