by Jonas, age 5. California
Key change is when it gets louder and louder.
What else can key change? Things that are impossible. There are changes to melody like duh-duh-duht! (Going up), duht duht duhh (going down).
Everyone sings in key change world and in big melodies. And downer melodies. And upper melodies.
Emotions change when its a smaller melody and when its a bigger melody. Happy when its a smaller melody, and they’re super sad when its a slower melody.
There are harmonies and people play.
Here’s a way to get in. You jump into a trumpet. You squeeze through and you’ll find yourself in key change world.
That’s actually not all - we have to jump into that trumpet - let’s do it right now! Bonk! Wait - can that guy over there play the song?
Song Credits:
Written by Eric Gersen
Produced by Eric Gersen
Associate produced by Sam Bair & Jack Mitchell