Key Change World

by Jonas, age 5. California

Key change is when it gets louder and louder.

What else can key change? Things that are impossible. There are changes to melody like duh-duh-duht! (Going up), duht duht duhh (going down).

Everyone sings in key change world and in big melodies. And downer melodies. And upper melodies.

Emotions change when its a smaller melody and when its a bigger melody. Happy when its a smaller melody, and they’re super sad when its a slower melody.

There are harmonies and people play.

Here’s a way to get in. You jump into a trumpet. You squeeze through and you’ll find yourself in key change world.

That’s actually not all - we have to jump into that trumpet - let’s do it right now! Bonk! Wait - can that guy over there play the song?

Song Credits:

Written by Eric Gersen
Produced by Eric Gersen
Associate produced by Sam Bair & Jack Mitchell