Stars & Moonlight — Story Pirates

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Stars & Moonlight

by Palmer, age 9, Texas

Once upon a time, there were two sisters. They didn't like each other's music. One was a popstar named Judy. The other was a ballerina name CC. CC liked soft music; Judy liked loud music. One day they started arguing about their music. CC thought her soft music was better for dancing to, but Judy thought that her music was better for singing to. A unicorn named Lila heard and cast a spell, but she was new to her magic and accidentally turned Judy into the moon and CC into a star. CC and Judy had to work together to find the unicorn. They searched and searched until finally they found her. Lila told them that the fifth time Judy turned full, the spell would wear off. Judy and CC were relieved to hear that. It finally happened and they were back into humans. Now they liked each other's music; they had heard it a lot more. They loved each other and lived happily ever after.

Song Credits:

Written by Gaby Hornig and Eric Gersen
Produced by Eric Gersen
Associate Produced by Sam Bair, Jack Mitchell