My Adventure

by a fourth grader named Soraya

Hi my name is Pearl I'm 9 years old.
My friends' names are Lavender, and Alyssa. Sorry we're late siad Lavender .Alyssa was reading a book. I lost track of time Said Alyssa. It's ok, said Pearl. I am hungry said Lavender. Ok?? isaid. Let's talk about what we're going to do today, I said. How about we sleep and eat all day. All in favor say i. I said Lavender. Sorry Lavender… ZZZ Lavender said. Shh I Said she’s sleeping. How about we read our books said Alyssa. I dont have one I said. Any other … ZZZ said Lavender. Really Lavender! Said Alyssa. Moving on I said yes Alyssa how about we go on an adventure. Good idea, I said I will call to see if my dad can drive us. And they went to Charleston Went on a pirate ship and they got chased by an angry shark run! , I said . Then they went to a nearby souvenir store where they shoped for souvenirs. This is the best adventure I ever had.

The end
