The Last of the Undersea Chickens

by a third grader named Logan

Once upon a time there was a chicken. This chicken was freinds with all animals because she made them laugh, but there is one peculiar thing about this chicken, she lived in the ocean. She was known as the chicken of the sea. One day she had an egg. All of the anamals were excited for the egg to hatch. But alas, the chicken was getting old. You can tell because she was loosing her feathers. She was so old in fact she could not take care of her egg. All of the sea folk agreed to pertect the egg. And then along came a shark. This shark loved nothing more than eating eggs. But the shark knew he could not steal the egg with all of the animals watching. Meanwhile, a diver who cared only about money was swiming near the ocean floor for rare and expensive artifacts to sell. He saw the egg and swam toward it. Suddenly the shark yelled "Back off this is my egg!" The diver said "If you help me steal the egg I will give it to you to eat." The shark agreed. What the shark dindn't know is that the diver was lieing. They made a plan, the shark would distract the other anamals wile the diver would steal the egg. Then the Story Pirates came along and noticed what was happening. They called the shark over and told the shark that the diver had an egg on his back, and if the shark bit it they would give him some of Peters cookies. Peter yelled "Nooo!" They said "Peter." Peter said "Ok but only a few." The shark went over to the diver and bit his tank and the diver burst out of the ocean. The shark said "That was one weird tasting egg." He went over to the Story Pirates and they gave him some cookies. Suddenly a crack formed on the egg, and then, crack! A chick poped out of the egg. The chick was so tired after pecking through the egg shell, it fell asleep in its mothers wings. The end.
