Lego Boost Submarine

LEGO Boost Submarine

by a 2nd grader named Bob

Wow!!!!! Liam I got my new lego boost submarine!!!!!!!!!! Bob, won’t it take you 1,000,000,000 years to build it and it has a trillion move hubs. Oh Liam that is crazy! Pack 1 is just 66 move hubs and one trillion bricks. So Bob this goes here, STOP! Liam, I want to build it NO!

Later...ahh its finished, wow that took 20 hours. Lets go take it for a test drive but it is midnight ok I guess. 5 o’clock is the perfect time to take the submarine out for a drive. Mom, wake up come on lets go get the submarine and take it out for a drive. Ok, but doesn’t it sound early to do it. Of course not come on!

Ah the beach this is so nice. Ahh! A shark, quick the laser can protect us! Whooh glad that’s over. Ahh! A giant catfish quick a cat trap! Whoo glad that’s over. Ahh salt water see that’s fine.

Thump! I think we hit the bottom Wooooooooooow! Lets go up whooo are you tired? I think I’m going to take a nap zzzzzz the end zzzzzzz