Illustration by Camilla Franklin
Peter and Lee learn the shocking truth about Smitty. Featuring two new stories: “Chicken on a Motorcycle,” a tale about a new kind of hero and the explosive power of jazz, written by two brothers from Arizona, Mason, age 10 and Stanford, age 6, and “The Donut Gymnast,” a story about a pastry that learns to roll, written by a 10-year-old from Colorado named Addy.
Watch a live Story Pirates improv show, featuring celebrity guests Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers, from your home this Friday at 7pm ET! Join the Creator Club now to watch!
Chicken on a Motorcycle
by Mason and Stanford, ages 10 and 16, Arizona
Once, a very, very, VERY long time ago there was a chicken. Everybody knows that a chicken’s worst enemy is a car. But this chicken came to Earth and became a superhero. He could now speak all languages. And he could do all this because he had a secret weapon: a MOTORCYCLE!
A Chicken on a motorcycle, A Chicken on a motorcycle, A Chicken, On, A, MOTORCYCLE!!!!!!
How did the chicken get like this? He simply came from two chicken parents. But he wanted to be more than just a chicken. He wanted a motorized vehicle that’s not a car, since he hates them. So he grabbed, after long decision, (And stealing a pizza man’s motorized scooter) a motorcycle.
He’s a chicken on a motorcycle,
He’s a chicken on a motorcycle,
He’s a chicken on a motorcycle,
He’s got a mo-
One day the cars were getting bored. They started to chase the chicken. They chased him through the desert, jungle, ocean and city. Finally, in the suburbs they cornered the chicken. The cars then began to chant. “EAGLE, EAGLE, EAGLE!” over and over. Then the chicken’s real worst enemy came. I lied earlier. A chicken’s real worst enemy is… AN EAGLE!
A chicken on a motorcycle, hiding from the evil eagle.
A chicken on a motorcycle, with all hope seeming lost.
A chicken, A chicken, Not 2, just one. A chicken on a motorcycle.
A chicken, about to die, all hope is gone.
Until his true friend comes.
A chicken’s true, only, best friend is the only other little or none flying bird not in the arctic that normal people know about. A DUCK! A duck with a… Trumpet!? It hopped over with an air of dominance and quacked 3 times. Then, all of a sudden, he played.
The chicken really got this thing, he really got it good.
It was something beautiful, something amazing.
It was something called… JAZZ!
This new thing made the cars blow up, but the eagle was still mad, he was gonna make them pay!
The chicken found a saxophone in his hand.
After clucking 3 times, he began to play along.
This was too much for the eagle, he chirped and flew away.
And that is the end.
Note: The italicised text is music.
The Donut Gymnast
by Addy, age 10, Colorado
One day a donut decided to do gymnastics. Her name was Jelly B. Donut. Jelly for short. Her coach asked her to do a forward roll. She was very good at side rolls but she had never done a forward roll before. She was scared. All the other gymnast donuts were donut holes. They rolled anyway at any time that they wanted. She thought asking her coach would help. She said to her coach, “Would you teach me how to roll any which way like the other donuts?” The coach said, “Sure, but first I want you to use your imagination to see how it’s done.” She practiced over and over and over again. And then she finally fingured it out and did it. She was so happy! Then her coach said, “Now we’re going to learn how to do the split.”