Lee discovers a surprising new tiny friend. Featuring two new stories: “Martian-Mallows,” an intergalactic bop about a kid (Juwan Crawley) who battles aliens who have a taste for gooey treats, written by Eason, a 7 year old from Colorado, and “The Big Fortune,” a story about a cow who discovers the truth about fortune telling, written by a 7 year old from Idaho named Emmet.
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Illustration by Camila Franklin
Listen to the episode, and scroll down for the original stories!
Original Stories
by Eason, age 7, Colorado
Once upon a time there was a kid named Andrew. One day he was going to school and he saw an alien ship at the park. He went near to investigate. Then all of a sudden, aliens started attacking him saying, “We want marshmallows!” He finally escaped. He went into his classroom. He saw that everyone was having a paper fight, so he crumpled up a paper ball. He saw that the aliens were diving for the paper balls because they looked like marshmallows. But before he could even throw his ball, the aliens started attacking him. So he ran home and found that his mom was getting a marshmallow bread made for him, but she was getting tackled by aliens saying, “Let us have some too!” So he ran out and just decided to juggle in the backyard. But bad for him, his juggling balls were white and shaped like marshmallows. All of a sudden, aliens started jumping from the bushes and diving for the juggling balls. He into the front yard leaving them. He thought, “Aliens are everywhere!” He saw their alien ship. He thought, “Maybe I can herd them all into there.” So he ran into the kitchen and stole the bag of marshmallows and put it right into their ship. The aliens immediately dove into their ship. Then he pushed, “Go to Mars”. And they were never seen again. Until next week… The aliens arrived again. And this time he was playing volleyball at school. The aliens started diving for the volleyball because it looked like a marshmallow, and accidentally knocked everyone over. Andrew went home and up to his bedroom that night. He was sound asleep until he heard a WHOOSH! He looked out his window and saw more aliens arriving. And he was like, “Oh my gosh!” This time he put two bags of marshmallows in each ship and pushed “Go to Saturn.” And they were never seen again. The End
Our adaptation of Martian-Mallows was written and produced by Eric Gersen and associate produced by Brendan O’Grady, with vocal direction by Jack Mitchell
The Big Fortune
by Emmet, age 7, Idaho
Peter is a cow and owns a pet store. Everyday he picks out one fortune cookie. He follows what the fortune says. One day the fortune says, “Today is going to be the best day ever.” As Peter started to imagine what was going to happen to make today the best day ever, suddenly all of the animals broke out of the pet store. “Oh NO!” says Peter. Then he calls all of the neighbor store owners to help catch his pets. John, the cow who owns the cheese store, puts some cheese outside to attract the dogs. All of the dogs run over to the cheese. Sarah who owns the moooo-vie theater, turns on Charlotte’s Web and all the other animals run into the theater to watch the movie. Just as Peter is letting out a sigh of relief, he thinks he hears thunder. Peter says, “It’s not supposed to rain today.” He looks out the window surprised to not see dark rain clouds, instead there is a giant evil fortune cookie coming down the street. “This is the worst day ever!”Again, Peter calls the other store owners to warn them about the evil cookie. He tells them, “On the count of three let all of the animals outside.”“Three!” All of the animals came out and started eating the evil cookie. The giant fortune cookie started spilling out fortunes. Peter picked up a few of the fortunes and was sad to see all of them said, “Today is going to be the best day ever.” Peter rips up the fortune. As all of the animals and store owners make their way back, stuffed from eating the giant cookie, John notices Peter is sad. “What’s wrong Peter?” “I thought today was going to be the best day ever. But the fortune cookie was a lie.”John put his hoof around Peter and said, “Fortune cookies aren’t real. You can make each day the best day ever by worrying about the important things. Then when you are done with those you can do something fun.” “That’s great advice, thank yoooou John! This was a great day after all.”