The Game/Funny Animals/The Pancake Heist — Story Pirates

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The Game/Funny Animals/The Pancake Heist

The Story Pirates try out a new, complicated board game. Featuring two new stories: “Funny Animals,” a story about going to the circus that is also about NOT going to the circus, written by Corinne, an 8 year old from Ohio, and “The Pancake Heist,” the tale of a team of squirrels trying to pull of the greatest score of their careers, written by a 10 year old from Pennsylvania named Fiona.

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Illustration by Camila Franklin

Illustration by Camila Franklin

Original Stories

Funny Animals

by Corinne, age 8, Ohio

Once upon a time there was a girl named Betsy. Betsy was eating her snack and said, "I miss the circus. Can we go there soon?" "Sure!" said her Mom. "Me and Dad already planned to go next week." Betsy grinned. "I can't wait!" she said. They all hopped in the car and drove away. When they got there she took her Dad's hand and skipped to the door. But when they got there a sign said "Circus closed. Sorry for the inconvenience." "Oh, no!" yelled Betsy. "We will think of something else to do." said Mom. So they thought and thought until Mom said, "I hear there is a pet show today. " So they all hopped in the car and drove to the pet show. They saw lots of different pets there. Some could do tricks but all of them were funny. It was a great show. The End

The Pancake Heist

by Fiona, age 10, Pennsylvania

One day Sean squirrel was hopping along the fence looking for some juicy tomatoes when he stopped dead in his tracks. He spotted something better than tomatoes, it was a plate full of golden fluffy pancakes on the humans outdoor table.There were big ones, little ones, some with chocolate chips, blueberries or bananas. He scampered over to his squirrel friends, who were hanging out at the new bird feeder arguing what the point of it was and how to get the most fun out of it. This is what happened every time the humans put up a new “squirrel proof” bird feeder. Sean eagerly explained what he saw on the table. When he finished, Steve said, ¨This sounds too good to be true, are you sure there were no booby traps?¨ “ I’m 100 % sure!” Sean replied “Come on Sean lets go get us some pancakes!” Cried Steve, as he and Sean marched toward the table. “ Hold up! You think you're doing this without us¨ protested Sammy. Sean and Steve spun around and looked at Sammy and reluctantly returned back to the other squirrels. “ Wait almost for got we need a distraction!” exclaimed Sean. “ Errrrr.” sputtered Steve, but he was too late. He wished Sean didn’t say anything.“ We’ve got that covered.” said Sarah hugging grumpy looking Sammy. “There better be no streamers.” grumbled Sammy, who wanted to be part of the heist not the distraction. “ How about a soap opera?” suggested Sean, “ We know that's worked in the past.” “ Ok.” agreed Sarah. “ I’ll go get the bubbles”. said Sammy as she slumped toward the garage. “ I must get my voaclcords ready…. la-la-la-la-la” sang Sarah. Sammy came back heaving a half gallon of bubbles.“That should be enough.¨ said Sammy wiping sweat from her face “ Okay, time to put this plan into action.¨ said Sean, “Squirrels on three¨. ¨1,2,3 SQUIRRELS¨ they hollered in unison. Something they didn’t realise was that the humans weren’t home. So when the humans found two squirrels having a bubble party in their gutters they just laughed. As for the pancakes, when they saw the squirrels running along the fence holding the pancakes in their mouth they all burst into fits of laughter.