The Story Pirates get a visit from their dentist (Zoe Jarman). Featuring two new stories: “!Beard Quest!”, an action-packed adventure about a beard desperate to return to the Greek god he belongs to, written by James, an 11 year old from the UK, and “The New Class Pet,” the chronicle of one class’ mission to name their new guinea pig, written by an 8 year old from Ohio named Noel.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
!Beard Quest!
by James, age 11, UK
Our story begins as a news reporter in a helicopter is flying towards a huge cloud of smoke caused by some 'Aliens' fighting around in the middle of Florida. Claw marks, titanic balls of fur, red-hot skyscraper rubble and bolts of lightning are visible. As the news reporter finishes the broadcast, a massive cat claw swipes it out of the sky and they switch to a commercial. The dust begins to clear, and we see a massive red cat roar at Zeus himself. The cat swipes at Zeus that his beard is shaved off. He yells, "You shall pay for that, mortal!" and continues biffing for a few dozen more seconds before hurling it into space. We zoom in towards the beard as it begins to open its eyes(?!) and sprouts small, puffy, grey legs and arms. It says: "I must find a piece of cheese to eat... err, I mean, I must find my way back to the Omega Optimus Temple and give Zeus back his beard before he is overthrown for not having a beard!" Dramatic music starts playing, and Beardo begins his quest, whilst chomping on a piece of cheese! "Yum! I like cheese." He walks along towards the train station, and is attacked by a wild dog! It growls at Beardo until he leaps onto the dog's back and rides it into the train station. After purchasing a first class ticket and leaving the dog as payment, he has a nice piece of cheese and looks out of the window. Eventually he sees a temple out of the window and jumps off of the train. He then notices a large river ahead. He cannot swim across, and starts getting soggy when he attempts to ride across on a large stick, so he summoned a tiny bolt of insanely hot lightning and evaporated the river so he could walk across. As he walked towards the temple, eating a small block of cheese, though, he was picked up by a hungry seagull who mistook him for a it of fish. He squirmed around until the seagull was hit in the head with the piece of cheese. "SQUARK! BLARK!" (In seagull, that is "Yeuch, I hate red leicester!") and dropped Beardo, flying off. Beardo rolled into the Omega Optimus Temple and climbed onto Zeus's chin. Zeus now had a beard, and the World was safe.
The Cheese... We mean End.
The New Class Pet
by Noel, age 8, Ohio
Ms. Laura: Quiet please everyone! We are voting for our new guinea pig’s name today. Here are the names you can choose from: 1) Gem by Mihira, 2) Fluffy by Santiago, 3) S’mores by Matthew, 4) Guinea by Noel, and 5) ummmm, Lewis White by Sage.
Different Classroom Kids:
Ready to vote!
Let’s do this!
S’mores for sure!
No way, Fluffy forever!
Lewis White??? Why not?!
Guinea seems a little obvious…
Gem doesn’t seem to describe a white and tan guinea pig that well...
But I like it!
What happened to Chocolate?
Marshmallow was a pretty good name, too…
Ummmm, but chocolate and marshmallows make S’mores. BAM! Best choice!
Oh yeah, he’s got a point…
Ms. Laura: (Rings a bell to quiet them down.) Alright, class! According to the votes, Gem and Guinea are out. They were good names, but they just didn’t get enough votes.
Noel: Awww, man!
Mihira: It’s okay, Noel. We still got three votes each! Good job!
Noel: Thanks, Mihira!
Ms. Laura: So that leaves S’mores, Fluffy, and Lewis White for another vote! Get ready to raise your hands!
Different Classroom Kids:
S'mores is totally going to win. No contest!!!
Let’s go, Lewis White!!!
Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy!!!
I don’t care who wins as long as the pet is happy!!!
I like to eat s’mores! I’m going to go with that!
Hey! Don’t eat the guinea pig!!!
Noel: Now that Guinea is out, I think I have to pick the weird one. Lewis White for the WIN!!!
Other Kid: Fair enough.
Ms. Laura: Hands up for S’mores? Okay. Hands up for Fluffy? Okay. Hands up for Lewis White? Okay. 7 votes for Fluffy! 10 votes for Lewis White! So the winner is S’mores! With 12 votes!!!
Classroom applause!
Guinea Pig: Hmmmmmmmm, S’mores?! Not my favorite, but whatever! My real name is… DRUMROLL PLEASE!!! (Drumroll…) FRANK BURRITO!!!
The End.
Noel’s comments to the Story Pirates: You are my VERY favorite Podcast! My family listens to your songs
Story Spark
Noel, who wrote “The New Class Pet" is presenting this week's Story Spark!
Sometimes you can be a little bit crazy with your story. Even if they don’t make sense, they can still be really good stories. So, try writing the weirdest story possible. And don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense–that’s the point.
Roll Call Stories
Beat Box Baby
by Adi, age 7, Florida
Once upon a time, there new family and they had a new baby. The family received a gift from a friend. When they opened the gift, they found a pair of sunglasses. The friend told them they are special glasses for babies which made them talk.
When they put the special sunglasses on the baby, he/she instantly began to make sounds and beat box to a rhythm. Then the mom put on the sunglasses she could not beat box.
So back to the bay the new sunglasses went and the baby beat boxes happily ever after.
The Robot Nun
by Graham, age 4, Washington
Once upon a time, there was a really friendly nun and then the nun searched for a real-life nun because she lived in the jungle and had to find some peopwway as as they can.
This snake has feet., Because it’s a wild snake animal. It looks like a snake, it has a snake mouth and teeth and a snake body, but it has feet.
The nun hopped into a robot with an elevator and took it all the way to the top with the steering wheel in order to run away from the snake but the snake opened the door and go’d up the elevator and then Santiago come to the rescue and super graham come to the rescue.
Santiago is a kindergartner. And Graham is a kid. Both had no tornado shield powers because it’s dangerous. it might make you explode.
Santiago is a kindergartner. And Graham is a kid. Both had no tornado shield powers because it’s dangerous. it might make you explode.
Don’t Open the Fridge
by Zoe, age 9, Massachusetts
Mom: What a wonderful family dinner TV alert: Bleep! Bleep!
News reporter: Do. Not. Open. Your. Fridge. There have been multiple reports of tap-dancing spiders in people’s fridges. Be warned. No opening fridges until further notice by the government. Do not panic!! (News reporter obviously panicking) TV turning off: Bleep.
Dad: Hey, why did you turn the TV off, Jake? (Jake is the kid btw)
Jake: Because, dad, it’s not like there are actually spiders in our fridge. (Jake walks to fridge and reaches for handle)
Dad: Jake! What are you doing!
Jake: Uh, opening the fridge. I forgot to grab some milk.
Dad: No, do— Door: c-r-e-a-k
Spider: Hi’a! Dad/Mom/Jake: Aaaaaah!
Jake: Dad, a spider just talked. Spider tap shoes: Tippety tap tap tap tip tap
Spider: OK
Jake: Wait, what!
Spider: The end.
Jake (sarcastically): Thanks a lot, mom
Mom: Sorry
Spider: I said, The. End.
The Vacation Cat
by Harper, age 7, Alabama