The Shoe Problem

Season 5 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from Season 5!

The Shoe Problem

by Rowan, age 6, Pennsylvania

A looooong long time ago, 400 years behind, there were flopping shoes! The shoes flopped wherever they wanted and they were free. Then people came along and started wearing them on their feet and the shoes were ok with that because it was like they were getting hugged all day. Everyone was happy. But then, the sock company boss got an idea. He created a remote control shoe that flopped away every time the owner tried to put it on. No matter what he did, the shoe just flopped away. That gave the other shoes an idea, they should should start flopping away too just like they used to! Soon no one was able to wear shoes because they would just flop away and everyone had to wear socks instead just like the sock boss planned. But then the robot shoes get destroyed by a superhero and the other shoes remember how much they like to be worn. The end.