Remember Rolo’s grandpa Rollissimo? And remember that French lady Rocquerita (Kirby) from episode 1 of this season? Well, they’re back and eating pizza in Italy. Featuring two new stories: “Air Hog!”, a story about a product for your groundhog that you MUST have immediately, written by Jude, an 11 year old from Tennessee, and “The Ugly Dance Contest,” a story about the dance sensation for misshapen vegetables that everyone is talking about, written by a 9 year old from North Carolina named Claudia.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Air Hog!
by Jude, age 11, Tennessee
Have you ever been sad because your groundhog was dirty (from the ground)? Me too. This is an epidemic striking our nation of groundhoggland. But boy oh boy. Do i have the solution for you! AIR HOG! “Air hog?” AIR HOG! “Air hog!” air hog. “Air hog?” air! hog!
ITS GREAT! Just tie this balloon to your hoggy boi, and dont let him touch the ground! All it costs is nine ninety nine nine ninety! I had trouble before air hog, but now, its great!
Buy one!
Buy it. Buy it now.
We hooked up a mind talker animal translate thingy (trade mark) to an air hog! This is what it says. “I mean its pretty good. I need L E T T U C E”
Well buy yours today, and to get a free ( for a fee) air hog leash call now at 555-555-555!
Well i’d best skedaddle. Remember, a grounded hog is a sad hog.
WARNING: no actual research has been done to see if a grounded hog is a sad hog. Buy our stuff
The Ugly Dance Contest
by Claudia, age 9, North Carolina
“WelcomeTo the Ugly Dance Contest. I'm your host Mr.Cucumber.The contestants are fruits and veggies from all over the world.They're about to do their acts and introduce themselves.” “Hi.I'm tomato.Im super lumpy my talent is I can stand on my head but the unevenness of me makes me fall”.Crash “Ow” “Hi, I'm Strawberry.I have a split Bottom so I can do the splits.Riiip.But it rips me a little more every time. “Ow” “Hi I'm pear.But I'm upside down.I'm skinnier on the bottom and bigger on the top.I can do a cartwheel but I come down in the middle because of the weight of my top”.Boom. “Ow” “And the winner is……. drumroll, please”.Bam, bam, bam bam. “Pear” ”Oh my gosh.I actually won!!!!” Meanwhile.A perfectly round Tomato was watching.”Ha ha ha This is the funniest show ever.I mean, look at me, I'm so perfectly round.And that tomato Oh, Just the sight of her makes me gag”. And then a human came and picked up perfectly round tomato.”Ahhh, what is this round strange thing with long stretchy things coming out of it doing picking me up?And then the human raised the tomato up to its mouth and took a bite.Crunch.Then it was over.The human dropped the tomato and ran off.The tomato was ok. And next year ”The winner of the Ugly Dance Contest is…...Tomato”.It was tomato.The tomato Who got the bite taken out of it.And that tomato learned Its lesson.Never to sit on the table to watch TV.Or in the tomatoes case sit on the big brown wood thingy to watch TV.
Roll Call Stories
Upside Down Breakfast
by Joanie, age 10, Colorado
Lucy: I can’t believe this. Why did Ms. Murray have to give me the lead in the play. I didn’t even sign up!
Cathy: Lucy, I don’t think you should take it that way. This is a good thing.
Ryan: Cathy’s right, she gave you the part and you should be thankful for that even if you did not ask.
Zoe: Why not just say no!
Lucy: Good point. I will say no. Thanks little sis.
Cathay: Can we just sit?
Ryan: Sure
Zoe: Ryan can you get me a scone
Lucy: I’ll do it Zoe
Lucy: Well that was weird, the person just talked backwards. He said “ Scone a is here sure”
Cathay: And look the paintings upside down.
Ryan: And the coffee maker.
Zoe: The whole place is bananas!
Lucy: Let’s fix the place up shall we. (Lucy, Ryan, Cathy and Zoe run around fixing things)
Lucy: They unfixed himself.
Cathy: This is not normal.
Ryan: True.
Zoe: Umm, guys.
Lucy, Ryan and Cathy: What?
Zoe: There is no roof.
Ryan: What! *looks up while talking*There is n, never mind
Cathy: Look, behind the curtain, it its glowing
Lucy: Come on. We have to see what is going on.
Ryan: A snow globe, What is this?!
Zoe: Look it looks like this room but wrong
Lucy and Cathy: Wow!
Cash register: Order up for Marge!
Lucy: We did it, all thanks to you Zoe!
Cathy: You are a little detective aren’t you.
Zoe: Yep!
Ryan: Are you going to eat that scone?
Ryan, Zoe, Cathay and Lucy: The End!
Store Pet Rocks
by Leo, age 8, Washington
Lucy’s Poems
by Lucy, age 7, Utah
Eight plus
Not for us
Is Lily Silly?
Is Silly Lily?
Lily is silly
Silly is Lily
In your car
A Clif Bar