Siegfried the Viking visits a karaoke diner in New York City that’s run by an old friend, the fire horse Helena Flamehoof (Emily Deschanel). Featuring two new stories, “The Dancing Artichoke,” a story about a vegetable whose insistence on dancing leads to a surprising result, written by Ada, a 7 year old from Illinois, and “The Fancy Raccoon Who Ate a Volcano,” a story about a fancy raccoon who accomplishes an impossible culinary feat, written by a 10 year old from Utah named Ezra.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
The Dancing Artichoke
by Ada, age 7, Illinois
The Fancy Raccoon Who Ate a Volcano
by Ezra, age 10, Utah
Once upon a time there was a raccoon that was super fancy. He ate rotten tomatoes with a spoon and fork. when he saw a person, he would do his little fashion walk with his little suit that he got from the fanciest dumpster in town. But they would usually call animal control. One day he saw a cat taking-over a school. Right by the school there was a science lab. He went in and he saw a time machine, but he thought it was another fancy dumpster. So, he climbed into the machine and his fingers accidentally pressed 95 BC but he went to 97 BC because the time machine had a few bugs.
“Where am I?” said the raccoon. The narrator answers You are in the past but seriously you have to eat a volcano to get back cause a T-rex ate the time machine. “Wait that was TIME MACHINE!?!?” Yeah dude. “wait who is talking” said the raccoon. Umm it a illusion. “ok…”said the raccoon as he gulped. “I guess I have to eat a volcano… nom nom nom” sorry but we cannot show any grossness so yeah. “gulp, wait what, where am I going?” The raccoon travels back through time and hears “Yeah, animal control there is a raccoon in my lab” The raccoon is familiar with those words. “Um, Gotta run!
Roll Call Stories
Frogs, meatballs, and….. aliens?
by Micah, age 8, Mississippi
One day, on planet Jiggleland, frogs fell from the sky! 1,000,000 of them! Then, meatballs fell from the sky! 20,000,000 of them! The people fed the frogs the meatballs. The frogs grew, and grew, and grew, and grew, and grew, and grew! They grew until they reached space! They said ¨Hi¨ to the aliens. An alien named Bob snuck onto the frog's back. Then, 300 other aliens followed him. The frog's name is Jeremy. Jeremy grew until he reached Jomop, a planet far away! He asked himself, "Why is Jiggleland so small?¨. Bob said ¨You´re ginormous¨. Jeremy asked ¨Who said that? I was talking to myself!¨. Bob said ¨I am Bob and I am from outer space¨. Jeremy called his friend, Luke. Luke said ¨What is on your back?¨. Bob said, "Me¨. Bob asked, "Can I be your friend?¨. Jeremy said ¨Yes!¨. The other aliens went onto Luke´s back and they all lived happily ever after
Attack of the Smelly Sandwich
by Leah, age 9, Vermont
“Hey, Mom!” I called from the kitchen. “I’m hungry. Can I have a grilled cheese sandwich?” “Sure, I’ll use blue cheese.” Mom called back. My stomach groaned at the words “blue cheese”. I hated the stuff! But my disgust for blue cheese was about to grow seven and a half times bigger because Mom was about to put the sandwich on our Will Turn Food Into A Monster pan! “No, Mom, that’s the monster pan!” I shrieked. But I was too late, Mom had already flopped the smelly cheese and bread onto the weird pan! I’ve got no idea why she got the crazy pan. As soon as the sandwich touched the hot surface of the pan it began to wriggle, jiggle, and grow! The monster grew as tall as the fridge and as wide as the kitchen table. Then, two large, bulging eyes blinked down at us when it stopped growing. A mouth with razor-sharp teeth appeared too. Mom slowly and carefully backed away and shouted, “Run Opal, run!” I burst through the front door and ran into town. We ran this way and that here and there and everywhere! We also ran to the grocery store and to the toy shop, and we even ran all the way to Spiffy Mart! Once we chased each other to about every shop in town, I ran into an old antique shop and hid behind the cashier’s desk. The man was frail and old. His hair was a light shade of silver. “Hello, young lady. What brings you here today?” He said in a creaky southern accent. “Hiding from a giant blue cheese monster.” I said simply. “I used to have that problem all the time.” Said the guy thoughtfully. “Now listen closely, what you gotta do is take these rusty old glass plates and chuck ‘em at the giant sandwich. Oh look, here he comes now!” Said the cashier, stuffing the plates into my arms. Sure enough, the monster was about to ram his head into the walls of the shop. Finally, the sandwich crashed through the doors. But I was ready. Armed only with old glass plates, I started chucking them as hard as I could at the monster. It recoiled in fear and began to shrink! Once it lost its eyes, mouth, and shrunk back to its normal size, I walked over to it slowly and carefully. Then I picked it up and threw it in the trash just like that. “Well, I’m definitely not having a sandwich any time soon!” I said happily. “Thanks for your help, Mr.! Also sorry about your shop!” I shouted as I ran back to my house in the sunset to go and tell my mom about the epic story. (And probably get rid of the pan)
I’m Busy That Day
by Myles, age 11, Michigan