Peter takes an unusual taxi cab ride with an even more unusual crab driver (Felicia Day). Featuring two new stories: “Key Change World,” a kaleidoscopic journey to a world made up of the building blocks of music, written by Jonas, a 5 year old from California, and “The Boy Who Wanted To Be Famous,” a story about the futility of seeking fame on the internet, written by an 11 year old from Missouri named Hugo.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Key Change World
by Jonas, age 5. California
Key change is when it gets louder and louder.
What else can key change? Things that are impossible. There are changes to melody like duh-duh-duht! (Going up), duht duht duhh (going down).
Everyone sings in key change world and in big melodies. And downer melodies. And upper melodies.
Emotions change when its a smaller melody and when its a bigger melody. Happy when its a smaller melody, and they’re super sad when its a slower melody.
There are harmonies and people play.
Here’s a way to get in. You jump into a trumpet. You squeeze through and you’ll find yourself in key change world.
That’s actually not all - we have to jump into that trumpet - let’s do it right now! Bonk! Wait - can that guy over there play the song?
Our adaptation of “Key Change World” was written and produced by Eric Gersen with vocal arrangements and direction by Jack Mitchell
The Boy Who Wanted To Be Famous
by Hugo, age 11, Missouri
Hi! I’m Martin. I want to be famous one day but how should I? Maybe cooking. I will watch a YouTube video. How do I use this spatula? Let’s try the cake.
Bleeeeeeeeech it’s disgusting.
We did not have Oreos so I used dirt and we did not have sprinkles so I used fire ants. Are you ok mother?
Ahh, it burns it burns.
Next I will try skateboarding. Why won’t this fit?
Martin, I think that should go on your elbow not your head.
Let’s try now too fast ahhh whatch out for the flying skateboard mother. Let’s try golf. Okay let’s finally try a shot WHACK FORE whatch out mother.
Maybe I don’t have to be famous I will just be me.
Yeah honey now can you take me to the hospital
Roll Call Stories
Mystery of the Moons
by Henry, age 8, California
Happy Burpday
by Sophia, age 5, Virginia
The story is about Sara. She has brown hair on the bottom and indigo on the top, and it’s curly. Happy Burpday is a day that you celebrate burping, and she celebrated burping. And that’s the end.
The Honey of Revenge
by Elisa, age 12, Oregon
“Ah, Another normal day for me, Jerry, the Beekeeper! Now I’m just gonna open this door to the Bee Hive and take this honey…good morning bees! Good bye bees! Now to drink it… gulp gulp gulp- Ahhh… delicious as always. I think I’m gonna go to my house which is conveniently right in front of where I work and drink the rest of this honey.” Meanwhile, in the hive… “Hey, He’s always coming in un-invited and taking our honey! We need revenge!” “What should we do?” “Ooh! I have an idea! *whisper whisper whisper*” “That’s a great idea! Let’s get started! “ A few hours later… “Ok! It’s done! Oooh, he’ll be in for a treat tomorrow!” The next morning… “Good morning, bees! Now, I’ll just collect your honey…I think I’ll drink this at home today, I promised my mom I would call her in…five minutes! AAAAAH!” “Drat! He was supposed to drink it here, so we could watch!” “We’ll just have to follow him! Bees…take flight!” *Collective BZZZZZZZ* After Jerry gets off the phone…”ok, bye mom, love you, ok, ya, sure, bye! Phew, that was a hard conversation to get out of…but’s honey time! Ok…I’m grabbing it *Suspenseful pause* Gulp…Gulp…Gulp… Ahhhhh…Delicious as always!” “Why didn’t it work!?” “Wait for it…” “Whoa, I’m feeling tingly, WHOA, What’s happening! I’m shrinking Ahhhhhhh! What…happened? WHOA! I’M…A BEE?!” “That’s right, bub, get a taste of your own medicine! You’re coming with us to the hive!” “Wait, wait- NOOOOOO!” A few weeks later… “Man, being a bee isn’t too bad! At least I have you guys, my buddies, Bee-atrice, and Bee-tholomew…so… when are you guys turning me back into a human?” “Snnnrk-heh heh-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “Guys?”