In part 1 of our season finale, the Story Pirates are pulled into a mysterious realm. Featuring two new stories: “Lima Bean with a Limousine,” a song about an ambitious legume who spends a million new wheels, written by Noah, a 9 year old from Canada, and “Giant Robot Particle on the Loose! And Now Aliens!”, a story about what happens when an intergalactic menace meets Minnesota nice, written by an 8 year old from Minnesota named Samantha.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Lima Bean with a Limousine
by Noah, age 9, Canada
Once there was a lima bean his name was Jeffrey Harrison Junior the Third. One day he was at school and they were learning about royalty and Hollywood. Jeffrey asked what do people in Hollywood Drive?Mrs Periwinkle said they drive limousines. I want a limousine said Jeffrey what do they look like? oh they're big long black cars and they're very expensive like one quaddecadodillion dollars Miss Periwinkle said. well that's expensive Jeffrey said but I am a vegetable so they should let me have it Jeffrey then went to the limousine shop pulled out his grandma's stinky stewed vegetables and and said give me a limousine or I will pour the stinky stewed vegetables on your head Mr doodle Said okay okay you can have a limousine what color do you want Jeffrey said wet dog which is a type of blue. Mr doodle said okay you can have it but unfortunately for you I like eating lima beans so here I go nom nom nom. yum hang on why am I choking just then Mr doodle died because lima beans have cyanide But then Jeffrey got out and got the limousine then he started singing I know I'm a lima bean with the limousine song : I'll be driving in the Hollywood I eat lots of food they see me driving I love it I drift into Hollywood to play the movie star but then they kick me out and then I eat stewed vegetables because why not So I'm eating my stewed vegetables when I realize I should use my limousine to help out the poor so I sell the limousine for a lot of money and then I give it all to random strangers so They will like me I go see My pet dog and feed him some dog food but then I realize that I'm a cannibal because I eat stewed vegetables and I am a vegetable anyway who cares they're delicious so I don't really care at all so I eat more stewed vegetables And then I use my money to buy another car this was a really fun adventure(end of song )the end
Our adaptation of “Lima Bean with a Limousine” was written by Nimene Wureh and produced by Eric Gersen
Giant Robot Particle on the Loose! And Now Aliens!
by Samantha, age 8, Minnesota
Roll Call Stories
The Tale of FreddyBobSteenerstins
by Louie, age 7, New York
There once was a nation of grumpets and there was one specific grumpet whose last name is FreddyBobSteenerstin. He was a leader of the tribe and he wanted to change things because all that his fellow grumpets were doing was watching wrestling matches and then getting involved, going to the water park because it was always summer and they had fur so they were hot, and eating everything that they could eat, even their own fellow grumpets. The leader of the tribe, FreddyBobSteenerstin, wanted to change things. Now, they knew they couldn’t go to the humans’ realm because they knew the humans would be terrified of them, so he made a band of grumpets that agreed with him. He changed things a lot with that band of grumpets! And let me tell you what they did, they made it so it wasn’t always summer. Can I tell you how they did that? Now grumpets aren’t that intelligent; in fact, they’re not intelligent in any way! BUT the band of grumpets and FreddyBobSteenerstin somehow made a machine that made it winter sometimes. And they made the first ever draining system for the water park and they decreed that water parks are illegal! But then the fellow tribal members that weren’t part of the band said, “we want our waterpark back!” so FreddyBobSteenerstin had no choice but to give their waterparks back. So, in the night (PS they didn’t have night so they made night but that will be in a different story, okay?) they opened it and then they made about thousand rules and that’s why I’m not going to tell you any of them. But he still had two more problems so he started on the wrestling matches. First, he made it so his fellow grumpets could only watch wrestling matches on TV, which also – like night – is for a different story, and then he decreed that the fellow grumpets who were wrestling had to have some rules. Now I’m not going to tell you the rules because they are pretty complicated. I bet it took a while for those grumpets who were wrestling on television to find out what the rules meant, but eventually they did it, and he and his band of fellow grumpets solved two problems and now there is only one problem left. His fellow grumpets were eating anything they could get their hands, or rather their paws, on, including their fellow grumpets. That’s right! You heard me right, they would eat their fellow grumpets. So FreddyBobSteenerstins had to do something about that with his squad of course. And what did he do about that? Well, I’m about to tell you. He made things that the monsters could eat and he made decrees that there were some things they couldn’t eat. Now that didn’t fix all the problems. You see, grumpets have the largest appetite of all the animals in the universe, even larger than an elephant. So he made lots and lots of snacks, lots and lots of bread, lots and lots of butter, lots and lots of bagels, lots and lots of fruit , and other various things. Now his las – but not least - problem was solved! The end!
I used my bouncy ball to hit the cuckoo clock and I broke it
by Sebastian, age 5, Texas
There once was a man who was a cuckoo clock engineer and he used his fun bouncy ball to hit the cuckoo clock and smashed it with Earth quakey smash. He was sorry to break his own cuckoo clock and made a brand new one. The End!
P.s. the man’s name is Cuckoo because he makes cuckoo clocks.
The End Wizard
by Mira Grace, age 6, Delaware
Once upon a time, there was a wizard who could only say one word, which was, "the end." When he tried to say a different word, what came out was, "The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end."
Then one day he tried to say hello to a raccoon, but what he said was, "the end."
The End.