A visit to a famous furniture store splits the Story Pirates into warring factions that behave a lot like they’re in a famous musical. Featuring two new stories: “Llama’s Big Day,” where special guest Miguel Cervantes sings about a performing llama who learns their lines and cuts the cheese, by Frosina, a nine year old from Massachusetts, and “Taste Testing New Live Tonight,” a story about a novice taste tester in a high stakes situation, by a 9 year old from California named Colton.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Llama’s Big Day
by Frosina, age 9, Massachusetts
Our adaptation of “Llama’s Big Day” was written and produced by Eli Bolin and Mike Pettry with vocal direction by Mike Pettry
Taste Testing New Live Tonight
by Colton, age 9, California
"Hi, I'm Jonathan, and I never like to try anything new, ever. Like, really never. So, I don't plan on getting a new job, even though I don't really have enough money for my job. So, I've got no idea what to do for life."
“Yes, Daddy?"
"We got a report from your job, but you're fired."
"But that was the only job that I could ever do well!"
"Well, you didn't get paid, and you never got enough money to live, so I thought I'd put you in a job that was very delicious, very, very fun. You're going to be a taste tester for the most famous cooking show in the world."
"But I'm not good at anything, or I'm not going to try anything new."
"Well, this is a great opportunity for you, Jonathan."
"Well, I've got no idea how I'm supposed to be a taste tester."
"It's easy. You just grab the utensil and you take a bite."
“ Plus, it's the world's most famous cooking show, so it should be the world's most famous food, the world's tastiest food. So, you should get a pretty good job out of it. Plus, it pays you a hundred dollars a day!
“ $100!”
“ All right, here I am, my first day on the job. There's a famous chef over there, over there, every direction I could look, 360°, and see a famous chef. And also, there's a bunch of tasty food."
"All right, and Jonathan, for today, you are testing out the job, and we will give you a lot of slack. But you're not ever good at trying new things, or at least, you say so. Go ahead, try your first food, Jonathan."
"Okay, here goes nothing."
"All right, try my delicious Lobster ravioli with vodka sauce."
"That sounds tasty. Here goes nothing. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. That's the tastiest thing I've ever eaten! Well, I've only really eaten macaroni and cheese, cereal, and sandwiches my whole life, so not much to say, but this is very good. “
“On to the next one, Jonathan."
"Okay, sir. How am I doing so far?"
"You're doing very well, Jonathan. Next up, we have George with his macaroni and cheese dish.”
“This might be the best thing I've ever had in my life, because I've had a lot of macaroni and cheese, and I've got a lot of experience with macaroni and cheese. So, I think I've got this, and I think you did a very good job expressing all that cheesy goodness and all that deliciousness in the macaroni. It looks so big and poofy and cheesy and creamy. Oh, and also, it's delicious.”
“ All right, on to the next person. George again, but like a different George. How many Georges are on this show? Has that been three Georges already? Oh, but next George has done a peanut butter and jelly pizza.”
“I've never had pizza, never had peanut butter and jelly, but this is probably going to be so good, maybe even the best thing I've ever had. But today is just a test day right, we're not live, are we?"
"Oh, Jonathan, we are very much live."
"Wait, what?”
“ I'm just messing with you. You should have seen your face. You looked like you were about to die. But trust me, we're all good here. You're doing amazing. Honestly, you're probably the best taste tester I've ever had."
"Oh, yeah? Does that mean I'm doing really well?”
“All right, just taste the peanut butter and jelly and pizza thingy already."
"Okay, sir. Here goes nothing. Oh, I think that's a good catchphrase for me. Should I do that during the TV livestreams? Yeah, I think I should. It's like, really good. All right, whatever. But I got to get to this taste testing. You did a good job expressing the creaminess and the jelliness. All right, time to take a bite. It tastes like peanut butter and jelly on pizza, which is very good, even though I've never tried it. It's very good. Now that I've tried it, I think I'm getting good at this. What's next?”
“George with the more pizza?Wait, no, this is special. Very special. It's s'mores pizza.
“ I can't wait to eat this. Here goes nothing. Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
"Wow, I just took down that entire pizza in 5 seconds! And that's saying something. Plus, it was very good. Is that it, sir?"
"Yes, Jonathan, that is all your taste testing today."
"Oh, and one more thing. You're hired, Jonathan!”
“Let's go! I got hired for a new job! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, booyah!"🍕🍽️🍴🥄🔪🥛
Roll Call Stories
Snail Rabies
by Ziyana, age 9, Oregon
The World with No Coffeee
by Holden, age 8, Texas
Aaaahhh, good morning, Tim.
Good morning, Pennington! Let’s go downstairs for some rice and egg for breakfast!
“Hey!” Pennington shouted. “Why are mom and dad running around in circles?”
“What are they doing?” Tim said.
“WHERE IS THE COFFEE?!” Mom shouted, as she flipped the couch upside down. There was nothing under the couch.
Dad said, “I didn’t find any coffee in the bathroom, either! But you should give it a good ol’ 20 minutes before you go in there anyway.”
The TV turned on randomly. It was the news! The random news person said “welcome to global news. The news company thinks that you don’t have any coffee! Because of the coffee bean thief!
The TV automatically turned off.
Mom and dad started yelling SO LOUD because there was no coffee and that means they would have to go to bed early!
While mom and dad were yelling, Pennington and Tim said “drink this chicory. It’s a coffee substitute.”
Dad tried a sip and spat it out so hard it went through the glass door.
Dad said, “did you put barf in my cup?!”
Tim said, “No! It’s chicory!” as he laughed.
“Anyway,” Pennington said, “me and Tim agreed that we are going to find the coffee bean thief!
Mom and Dad said, “What?! Are you sure?”
The brothers said, “Yep!”
Then Pennington ran out of the house with Tim following him. Both of the brothers said that they should check out the sewer because it’s a cool secret base. Most bad guys are in the sewer.
They were heading towards the sewer, they heard a twig snap. Both of them turned around so quickly. And there he was: the coffee bean thief.
He had black coat. He wore thief goggles. And he was wearing only black.
The coffee bean thief was distracted because he was tying his shoelace. While he was tying his shoes, Tim and Pennington managed to grab the thief’s giant bag of coffee beans and ran towards the thief, grabbed him, took him to the police. The police said, “Now he can only drink decaf coffee!”
by William, age 5, California
A turtle went on a trip with his family and they forgot him on top of the car. The turtle had a fun ride but then the turtle fell off. Oh no! An excavator came by and picked up the turtle and saved him. The excavator took the turtle to San Francisco. When the turtle was there he put on a a stick on beard and began to sing and dance. Everyone loved him! He decided to stay and perform in San Francisco and became very famous.