What happens when two arch enemies are literally stuck together for 10 whole weeks? Find out in today’s new story, written by a 10 year old from Australia named Kate.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
by Kate, age 10, Australia
Imagine if you were stuck to your bestie, that wouldn't be so bad, but what if you were stuck to your annoying little sibling. Or worse your arch nemesis or even your greatest enemy. I, Susan Samantha Jones have been stuck to my greatest foe for eleven ferociously long weeks! We've been stuck like sticky glue for ages. Literally! The person I was stuck to is Penny Perfect, the pink know-it-all.
It all started on the last day of Year 5. I remember it so vividly. We were putting final touches on our Christmas art. All I had to do now was superglue the last sequin on. The glue was spilling out quite quickly when I heard a a sudden bratty voice, in fright I jumped and glue sprayed all over Penny Perfect. She rushed to the bathroom to clean up and I rushed after her to apologise. When she turned around, we banged together where she had glue. We were STUCK! And to make matters worse every single glue removing shop and factory was closed!
We had to do everything together during that break. After 10 excruciating weeks, I realised we had glue remover in the bathroom!!
I ran to my house as fast as lightning. Well not that fast as Perfect Penny was being dragged along the ground. I opened the red, wooden front door through the white corridor with the blue lights and stone cold tiles to the small crowded bathroom. I grabbed it out of the cupboard and applied it oh so carefully. We were free!
At Last!
After all of that I wish I remembered what the contents of the bathroom cupboard was. So the moral of the story is......Your bathroom cupboard is the key to existence.
So always remember to check your bathroom cupboard!
Roll Call Stories
The Girl in the Window
by Audrey, age 11, Florida
We had never seen anyone in the old creepy house until me and my friened took a walk across the creepy house. Wen my frined went houme I went to my apartment. I desided to watch tv, But I cashale gassed out the window and I saw a Little girl. I thot it was my imashon so I started waching TV but my cat stared at the window so I Looked at the window and on my window was the LittLe girl. But I live on the 8th floor. I scremee and called my friened. She came in and sow the Girl. Me and my friened ran to the lobe and told are other friened’s. all six of us walked to the creepy house the girl staring as us the Girl’s eye were livies. Her scin was pale. So we desided to run but the Girl gust jumped Down and walked creepy as if she was walking like a zombie. So we ran faster and faster but she kept following us and getting closer and closer. When we thot we were good we made a run. Are plan was when she came closer to us we would run away then and hop into my friend Jason’s chrucc and three pepole would sit in the bed of the chrucc and two pepole would hop out at the store and grab stuff and hop back in.
Would you Like to Buy a haunted house? if you do, here are the resons why. There are 4 Bathrooms, 5 Bedroms, a Big Kichien, the loud neighBors are two miles away, a Great Grave Yard. It’s only $1,000. Just call 111-239-647.
The Escape Grape
by Adam, age 6, UK
Once upon a time in your fridge there was a grape. The grape was blue and his name was Gary but there was a boy, it was a bad boy, it was Bad Boy Broccoli. And Bad boy broccoli was actually a villain who is actually broccoli.
Bad boy broccoli wanted to take over the fridge and then the world. I forgot to mention that Gary is actually a Super hero grape and his team of super veggies are cucumber, tomato ( oh that’s a fruit never mind) and broccoli this isn’t bad boy broccoli ok! So outside Gary the grape assembled an army of chickens to attack bad boy broccoli. Then tomato said ‘don’t chickens eat fruit and vegetables?’ ‘Yes’ said Gary ‘So what why should we be afraid, we’re superhero’s’
And then they met Pumping Pumpkin, ‘Hi I’m Pumping Pumpkin pffrt pffrt pffrt’ Gary said ‘eh guys does this guy have a problem with his bum?’ And then Pumping Pumpkin said ‘No I don’t sorry pffrt’ and then Pumping pumpkin heard the chickens and said ‘hide me I don’t want the chickens to find me’ then the super hero’s stopped the army of chickens from eating pumping pumpkin hooray! After the super hero’s had gone back inside Gary said ‘ I’m going to check out bad boy broccolis secret base’ but the minute he walked through the gate giant broccoli cannons shot giant broccoli balls at him. He dodged all of them and slipped and fell down a hole behind him that he hadn’t noticed earlier. Then at the bottom there was a broccoli cage with no roof. ‘Ha’ thought Gary, what a silly idea of bad boy broccoli, I can easily escape he blasted off the ground before he could leave the cage he bumped his head on something invisible. It came to him there must be an invisible roof. Then bad boy broccoli appeared laughing ‘ ha ha you’ll never escape now!’ But Gary said ‘ oh yeah I’ve got super strong powers and I’m going to use them to break the bars and take you to fruit and vegetable jail. So bad boy broccoli said ‘ ha you’ll never escape cause I have broccoli guards plus they’re robots!’ He could not escape the broccoli bars without his friend and the army of chickens of course. He summoned them using his special button on his belt. Then the army of chickens with his friends riding them appeared. They said ‘ chickens eat the cage but not Gary of course’ so they age the cage and bad boy broccoli said ‘ they also ate my broccoli guards, how do they eat metal - probably because it’s broccoli metal- weird but yes’
Then they all took bad boy broccoli to fruit and vegetable jail. When they got home Gary said ‘ I’ve think we’ve all learnt a lesson’ tomato said’ not watching where we’re going’ then pumping pumpkin said ‘ no the opposite of that pffrt’
The end.
Your Hat is on Fire!
by Maya, age 7, Arkansas