A hard-nosed detective (Dax Shepard) visits the ship to investigate a possible theft and everybody feels a little weird about it. Featuring two new stories: ‘Turtle Beach,’ a feel good beach party song about a mythical place where turtles laugh and play, by an 11 year old from Utah named Regan, and ‘Carl and Steve BFFs,’ the story of an unlikely midwestern friendship, by an 8 year old from Illinois named Ellis.
Original Stories
Turtle Beach
Regan, Age 11, Utah
Once there was a girl named Mia and she loved turtles. She even had a pet tortoise named Shelby. Then she heard here mom talking about the myth of turtle beach. Mia though it was true so she asked Shelby to take here to turtle beach, and she did. There was turtles every were at Turtle beach. They welcomed Shelby and Mia, soon she had seweed to eat. Her dream come true to live with turtles the end.
Regan and her pet turtle, Shelby
Carl and Steve BFFs
Ellis, Age 8, Illinois
Author, Ellis, playing the Monopoly game from Jewel!
Once upon a time there was a millionaire named Carl. The reason Carl was a millionaire was because he won the Monopoly game at Jewel-Osco. He was from the Midwest and built his house in a baseball field because he was one of the people in the outfields. Now there is a mansion in the middle of the baseball field. One day, Carl saw his neighbor, Steve, mowing his overgrown lawn at midnight. "What a strange guy,"thought Carl. Carl asked, "What are you doing outside so late?". Steve answered, "and what are you doing living in the middle of a baseball field?". "Touche," thought Carl. The next morning, Carl asked Steve if he wanted to go on a walk with him and his dog, Francisco. Steve said, "I would like to but i can't. I have an outline of a report to do and an overdue library book to return. Oh, and i have to study for my pretest." Carl said, "Oh. Okeydokey. Good luck with all of that. Maybe later we can see Sherlock Gnomes at the Logan Theater. I already prepaid for the tickets. And we can get a popcorn to share." "Okay," said Steve, "at least we get some fresh air walking outdoors." "Or, we can could take my double bike. It has two seats!" said Carl. That night, Carl and Steve met in front of their houses and went to the movie. The end. (Maybe)
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