The Pirate's Discovery

by a second grader named Julius

Once upon a time there was a group of pirates. One sailed out in a boat and found mountain. There was a cave inside. He didn't go in because he might get stuck in the trap or fall into a ravine. So, he went back to headquarters. He got the other pirates onto the boat and said "The cave was right in this mountain! Let's go!" Getting all their weapons, crossbows, and swords and a torch. They entered the cave. In the cave, they found something that looked like a trap. The pirate said "Someone might live here!" Their torch went out. They found another source of light in the distance. They saw a movement. They all gasped and said "What's in here?" Then they said "Hello matey?" Something answered back. The voice said "Can you please help me? I got lost from my group. I have no money, no weapons, no food." The pirate's said "You must be hungry, we will gladly help you and get you some money and food quick. If you want to live with us come with us! We have a boat and we will bring you aboard." He boarded the boat. They noticed that he was nice and friendly. They rode back to their land. Then, they got that poor human some food. He became a pirate too. His name was Captain Jack.

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