Illustration by Camilla Franklin
The Story Pirates’ ship enters one of the galaxy’s most dangerous spots, the Switcheroo Zone, and items on board start randomly turning into other things like spaghetti, space raccoons and...Julie Andrews. Featuring two new stories: “Sarah’s Song Story,” about a girl who confronts her fear of clowns, written by Ella, a 9 year old from New Jersey, and “The Door That No One Could Open,” a story about a frustrating trip to the bathroom, written by a 9 year old from Illinois named Claire.
Watch a special edition Pride Story Pirates improv show from your home this Friday at 7pm ET! This week’s show is free!
Sarah’s Song Story
by Ella, age 9, New Jersey
Sarah was afraid of music. Why was this girl afraid of music? Because once she had a dream that she went to a concert where the lead singer was a clown. This upset Sarah so much that she decided never to listen to music again.
Every day, Sarah packed her earmuffs and earplugs for music class. The worst part was Sarah’s mom was a singer. When her mom practiced at home Sarah would hide in her closet.
One day, her mom asked, “Sarah, why are you so afraid of music?”
Sarah replied “Mom, can we talk about this some other time?”
“No Sweetie, we need to talk about this now. You’ve been running around with your earmuffs and earplugs and you can’t even hear me when I ask you to clean up your room.”
“Fine,” said Sarah, “I had a dream that I went to a concert where the lead singer was a clown”.
“Sarah, it sounds like you’re not afraid of music, you’re afraid of clowns.”
“Oh, right. That makes much more sense. Thanks for helping me realize that. Let’s celebrate by singing a song I just made up called ‘I hate clowns’”.
The Door That No One Could Open
by Claire, 3rd grade, Illinois
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named James. One day, James was eating breakfast when he had to go to the bathroom.
He ran down the hall, and tried to open the door. But he couldn’t. He leaned back, and turned the doorknob as hard as he could.
“Mommy! Daddy!” he yelled. “I can’t open this door!” His mom tried. She tried as hard as she could. She leaned back and tried to twist the doorknob.
“Mommy! Daddy!” they both yelled. “We can’t open this door!” Grandma came. She tried to open the door. She leaned back as hard as she could.
“Mommy! Daddy!” all three of them called. “We can’t open this door!” Grandpa came. He tried to open the door. He leaned back as hard as he could.
“Mommy! Daddy!” they yelled. “We can’t open this door!” This time they called the police. The police tried to break down the door. Instead, they broke the doorknob off the door.
They all called the doorknob replacing company. The doorknob replacing company was not very good at replacing doorknobs.
“Mommy! Daddy!” they all shouted. “No one can open this door.”
Finally, they called the fire department. The whole fire department came in and the firetrucks. They caused a flood in James’s house.
They called Dr. Binky Boogle on the 13th story of Barnes Hospital. He was not much help. He just gave everyone pills. Soon there was a large pile of pills on the floor.
They decided to cut down the door with a hatchet. The head fireman was just about to do it when someone came out. It was James’s sister, Bella.
“Do you mind? I was trying to go to the bathroom!” she said.