Illustration by Camilla Franklin
Lee gets inside the heads of his Story Pirate friends. Featuring two new stories: “The Weird Food Club,” a story about a group of friends who rally around gross meals, written by Brooklin, a 12 year old from Pennsylvania, and “The Girl Who Painted Everything,” a story about creating art everywhere you go, written by a 6 year old from Virginia named Jane.
The Weird Food Club
by Brooklin, age 12, Pennsylvania
Kaitlyn (excitedly): MOM! MOM! MOM!!!!!!
Mom (Laughing to herself): What?!
Kaitlyn: What’s for breakfast?!
Mom: Blueberry pancakes, why?
Kaitlyn: Because I want to try them with ketchup!!
Mom: What?! Why!
Kaitlyn: Because Jack said that it was good…?
Mom: Ok, you can try it, but what if YOU don’t like it, even though Jack likes it?
Kaitlyn: I’ll just feed it to Henry! He’ll eat anything!
Mom: Ok… Get the ketchup out…
Kaitlyn: YAY!!!
---Kaitlyn opens fridge---
Kaitlyn: Oh no! We’re out of ketchup!
Mom: That’s too bad.
Kaitlyn: It’s ok though. Jack said that if we’re out of ketchup I should try it with bbq sauce, mustard, or relish. But I think I should mix all 3 together and pour it all on my pancakes!!
Mom: Your friend Jack is kind of weird!
Kaitlyn: I know right? That’s what I like about him!
Mom: All right. How are you going to mix all the condiments up?
Kaitlyn: I’ll pour some of each into a cup and mix it together!
Mom: Ok…here’s your cup… Are you sure you want to do this Kate?
Kaitlyn (gulps): Yeah.
---Kaitlyn pours mustard, relish, and bbq sauce into a cup and mixes. Then she pours it on her blueberry pancakes---
Kaitlyn: Ok! Here goes nothing!
---Kaitlyn takes a BIG bite---
Kaitlyn (gagging): Ewww! Gross!! Here Henry. You can have the rest.
Henry: Yay! Tanks Kaitywn!
Kaitlyn (still gagging): You’re welcome. Hey, mom? Can I have a glass of lemonade to wash this down before I leave for school?
Mom: Sure honey! Here you go! See you later! Have a fun day at school!
---Kaitlyn leaves and goes out to the bus---
Later, at school…
Kaitlyn: Jack! I did it! I did it!!
Jack: You did what?
Kaitlyn: I ate the blueberry pancakes with mustard, relish, AND bbq sauce!! But I did NOT like it. I fed the rest of it to Henry. After all, 2 year olds eat ANYTHING.
Jack (gives Kaitlyn a high five): Nice work! I guess that means you’re in the Weird Food Club!
Kaitlyn: Yay! It’s a dream come true!! But shouldn’t we have more people, like you, me, one more boy, and one more girl?
Jack: Sure! Great idea!
Kaitlyn: Alright, I’ll go get 2 more people.
---Kaitlyn walks around the blacktop, looking for people who look good for the club---
Kaitlyn: Hey Frank! Have you ever had a weird food combination that was totally gross?
Frank: Yes! I think I have! In fact, last year, I ate a pickle with an Oreo and cheddar Pringles! Gross huh?
Kaitlyn: Yup. Totally super gross.
Frank: You know it! I threw up like, 10 times after I ate it!
Kaitlyn: Wanna join the Weird Food Club? Jack made it up. You’re perfect for it!
Frank: Sure! Thanks!
Kaitlyn: No problem!
---Frank walks over to Jack while Kaitlyn goes looking for a girl to be in the club---
Kaitlyn: Hey, Gail! Have you ever eaten a super gross food combination?
Gail: Ummmmm… I think I have! A few years ago I put crispy bacon in my lemonade. Then I drank (and chewed) it! It was soooooooo gross. After one sip, I had to pour the rest down the drain!
Kaitlyn: That sounds SUPER gross. How would you like to be in a club with me, Jack, and Frank! It’s called the Weird Food Club. All you have to do is eat a weird food combination and you’re in!
Gail: Cool! Then I guess I’m in!
---Gail and Kaitlyn walk back to Jack and Frank---
Jack: Ok. Recap…what was everyone’s weird food that they ate in order to be in this club?
Kaitlyn: This morning I had blueberry pancakes with mustard, relish, and bbq sauce!
Frank: I had a pickle with an Oreo and cheddar Pringles.
Gail: I had crispy bacon in my lemonade.
Jack: Gross…but cool! I have eaten many weird food combinations in my life, but the grossest one was when I ate Cheerios with warm orange juice!
Kaitlyn, Gail, and Frank: GROSS!!
Jack: I know right?
Frank: So what exactly do we do in this club?
Jack: Well…every Friday at lunch, we all try a new, weird food combination!
Kaitlyn, Gail, and Frank: Cool!
Jack: Nice. Glad you guys are excited! See you tomorrow!
Later, at Kaitlyn’s house…
Kaitlyn: MOM! MOM! I DID IT!
Mom: You did what?
Kaitlyn: I got into the Weird Food Club!
Mom: Is that why you did that with your pancakes?
Kaitlyn: Yes!
Mom: What do you do in this club?
Kaitlyn: Every Friday, Jack, Frank, Gail, and I sit together at lunch and we eat one weird food combination each! It’s AWESOME!
Mom: Sounds super gross!
Kaitlyn: Not super gross…super AWESOME!!!!!
The End!
The Girl Who Painted Everything
by Jane, age 6, Virginia
Once Upon a time, there was a girl who loved to paint. And one day she had an idea. She would paint EVERYTHING, so she went outside and painted the grass. And she painted the yard. And painted the sidewalk. And the car. And the house. And she painted people – even their faces. She covered every single surface in the neighborhood. Then she went back inside and painted more things. The table, the kitchen counter, the sink, and her ear. And she painted the dogs spots so that they went away. And she painted her stuffed animals, and the waterbottles. She painted her only special painting. And she painted her mom’s computer and she painted the fire hydrant purple (because she had an indoor fire hydrant). Then she painted the TV. And then her mom was covered with paint. Then everyone stormed out of their houses and screamed Aaaaaah and cried Waaaaa; and then her mom said oh my gosh I do NOT like red trees. She only didn’t paint one thing. Her nose. Because she just thought her nose was perfect. The end.