In part one of their season finale, the Story Pirates meet a queen (Gabrielle Dennis) and find out, once and for all, if the underwater city of Nethernabosia is real. Featuring two new stories: “If Dogs Could Do The Boogie,” the newest, hottest dance craze to sweep the doggy nation, performed by MOZIAH and Koo Koo Kanga Roo and written by Etta, a 7 year old from Michigan, and “Cheese Monkey With A Baloney Hat,” the story of a mysterious monkey who brings fun to bored people everywhere, written by a 12 year old from California named Arion.
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Illustration by Camila Franklin
Original Stories
If Dogs Could Do The Boogie
by Etta, age 7, Michigan
If Dog Coulde Do the Boogie
Dog Teacher: Good morning class. Today we will be lerning how to do the lonmower (lawnmower).
Dog Student: mmm Teacher, cant we do something els?
Dog Teacher: I Don't know what you meen. it's a tradishen.
Dog Student: I know but we alwes do it.
Dog Teacher: Fine But just this ones (once). Ok? Dous everyone know how to boogie?
Dog Student: No. Not me.
Dog Student: I don't know.
Dog Teacher: Well, I don't know either.
Doors fling open, and in comes a dog in dancing shoes and says:
"You don't know how to boogie!!!! Well I do."
Just do what I do. OK, so step to the left and to the rite.
Dog Student: Wow. I'm doing it. Thank you.
Danding dog: Your welcome.
The end!
Our adaptation of If Dogs Could Do The Boogie was written by Dan Foster and produced by MOZIAH, with music direction by Jack Mitchell
Cheese Monkey with a Bologna Hat
by Arion, age 12, California
There once was a town named Boring town. In Boring town, everything was boring; the people were boring, the chairs were boring, even the toenail fungus was boring! One day, everyone in Boring town was doing boring things when a monkey made of cheese wearing a hat made of bologna walked into town. He realized that nobody in the town was having fun. he decided to change that. He stood on top of the tallest building and town and said, "Hello, everyone! I am Cheese monkey in a bologna hat! It has come to my attention that no one is having fun!" So, Cheese monkey in a bologna hat taught everyone to have fun. Soon, everyone in Boring town were having a water balloon fight while riding laser-eyed cows. when the towns people came to thank Cheese monkey in a bologna hat, he was gone!
There once was a town named Sad town. In Sad town, everything was sad; the people were sad, the chairs were sad, even the toenail fungus was sad! One day, everyone in Sad town was doing sad things when a monkey made of cheese wearing a hat made of bologna walked into town...
The end!