The Story Pirates forget Rachel’s birthday, so she escapes to Jellyfish Village and meets a very familiar jellyfish popstar. Featuring two new stories: “Mr. Chuggy and Me,” a story about a girl who wishes for perfection and is surprised by what she gets, written by Jane, a 9 year old from Maryland and “The Zero-annaire,” the strange tale of a boy who wins the zero dollar lottery, written by a 7 year old from California named Freddy.
Our NEW album and music videos are available now!
Stream and download the songs, watch the music videos, read the original stories, and enter to WIN a meet and greet with DJ Squirm-a-Lot here!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Listen to the episode, and scroll down for the original stories!
Original Stories
Mr. Chuggy and Me
by Jane, age 9, Maryland
Once upon a time there was a girl named Emily. Emily was not content with her life.Whenever she wanted to do something, her friends would goof off and giggle a lot. One night her friends wouldn’t listen to her at al. After school, she ran up to her room and she cried into her pillow. Then, she heard a voice.
What would you like?
She looked up.
It was a man, wearing princess clothes with a wand.
Who are you she said.
He said, I am your fairy godmother, Mr. Chuggy.
Can you help me with my problem? Said Emily.
Why yes, what is it?
I don’t know, my friends keep goofing off. I kind of wish that there was a world where I could go to where everyone was perfect. But, it was still the same world, with my same mom and dad, and my same friends Bella and Annie, except they were perfect.
OK, said Mr. Chuggy, consider it done.
And with a flick of his wand, there was a doorway in her room.
She said to Mr. Chuggy, Thank you , and she stepped through.
She entered a valley. It was perfect on each side. The apples were all juicy and the same exact size.
She walked into town and there were friends.
Hi, said Bella.
Hi said Annie.
Then Bella told a joke . It was really funny. Annie laughed only for a little . ha ha ha.I”
I (Emily) could not stop Laughing.
They looked at me strangely. What’s wrong with you said Annie.
Nothing is wrong with me.
Oh well.
We continued our day.
Annie and Bella and I stopped by Annies house and got jump ropes. I stumbled and fell a little bit when I was jumproping. Annie and Bella looked at me.
I don’t know, maybe you should go to the main building and get reprocessed Said Annie.
You are not acting very perfect said Bella.
I don’t want to be reprocessed, whatever that means, I like myself.
Well you have to because you are not being perfect at all. We are taking you to the main building
No no no I said.
Just then Mr. Chuggy swooped in. He flew me out and thru the door.
Wooh. I said that was scary.
I know, said Mr. Chuggy, it was for me to.
I said well, I guess I learned that nobody is perfect and I like my friends the way they are.
The End.