The Story Pirates arrive at their undersea destination. Featuring two new stories: “Millions of Stars,” a musical meditation on the origins of the universe, featuring Starr Busby and written by Aditya, a 5 year old from Canada, and “The Invention Convention,” a time-bending story about never giving up, written by a 9 year old from Montana named Owen.
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Illustration by Camila Franklin
Original Stories
Millions of Stars (feat. Starr Busby)
by Aditya, age 5, Canada
Before any planet becomes, there was millions and millions of stars. And each person was in it. And the planets were made, and the people started growing. And then one day they actually, all the stars, got into people’s bodies. And the people growed and growed. And all the stars exploded. And then all the stars formed into atoms. And with the explode, the people all popped down to Earth. Then we lived our life.
The end.
Our adaptation of “Millions of Stars” was written by Starr Busby, and produced by Brendan O’Grady.
The Invention Convention
by Owen, age 9, Montana
One day, Owen was going to school. At the end of the day, he was walking down the hall and spotted a sign. There was an Invention Convention that would start in one week! The winner of the competition for the best invention would get to be Principal for a day and a $100 gift certificate to the ice cream shop. He ran home as fast as he could and worked and worked and worked on his invention. At last, his time machine was finished. Just four simple buttons and I'll time travel 4 years back in time. He ran back to the school just as the convention began. But, ""oh no!"", my arch-rival was there too. It was Bobby the Brilliant. Bobby invented a laser gun. Owen was worried that the laser gun would beat his time machine in the competition. Bobby the Brilliant's friends were there too with their water-omatic 2000 sprinkler that watered parent's plants instantly. The judges start scribbling on their papers, and after scratching their heads for 3 minutes, the announcer walked up to the microphone. ""The winner is.........Bobby the Brilliant!"" Owen runs home crying. He had put so much work into his invention and Bobby the Brilliant had won, not him. His mom was hugging him and she said, ""who cares who won, it matters who tried. You were so brave to enter the competition and you built a great time machine."" Although Owen was sad, he never forgot his mom's words and never gave up on inventing new things.