Peter and Nimene swap personalities. Featuring two new stories: “The Prince-ess,” a song about a royal (Rivkah Reyes) who is brave enough to share their truth, written by Ella, a 10 ½ year old from Sweden, and “The Magician’s Accidents,” a story about a magic trick gone wrong, written by 6 year old from California named Oscar.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Original Stories
The Prince-ess
by Ella, age 9, Sweden
There once was a princess. Her name was Rosalie. She was a normal princess. She had long, chestnut brown hair. Her eyes were sky blue. But she had a secret. Only her parents knew about it. It was that she wanted to be a prince. But she didn't have the courage to tell her friends. And her mom said she couldn't be a prince if not 5 more people knew about this. But she was still too scared! She thought they would be mean to her. Then one day one of her friends invited her to a sleepover with 5 more friends. After a movie and some candy, popcorn and chips, one of the friends (her name was Maya) said "Let's play Skeletons in the closet!" Everyone else said "Yes!" But Rosalie didn't know how to play. She asked and another one of her friends (that friends name was Clara) said "It's a game were you tell your deepest, darkest secrets. Rosalie didn't like this at all. When they started the game she said "I have to go to the bathroom". So she wouldn't have to say. But when she came back after a few minutes (she didn't want to seem mysterious) they said (the friends said) "All of us had a turn, now it's your turn!" She thought "Ok. I can do this. Otherwise I'll live my whole life as a girl." Then she gathered all her coura ge and said "My deepest, darkest secret is that I want to be a prince." First there was a silence then a friend (her name was Katie) said "Good that you told us Rosalie!" Maya said "That was very brave of you." All her friends hugged Rosalie. The next day the headlines in the newspaper was:
Princess Rosalie changes to Prince Frederic
Under it was a picture of Rosa- sorry Frederic hugging his friends.
When Rosa- sorry, Frederic told her- his mom that he told five more people, she cut his hair short and he never, EVER wore a dress again. (Frederic asked of course if she could do this. His mom would never do this if he didn't want her to do this.) Sh- he was soooooo happy.
That was the end of this story.
The end
Our adaptation of The Prince-ess was written and produced by Eric Schackne
The Magician’s Accidents
by Oscar, age 6, California
We're Back At Jerry's The Magic Show! With our contestant Jerry. "I am Jerry, hi! And I am the best magician in the world!"
"Honey please turn off the TV now! You have been watching for an hour," says Maklin's Mom.
"Mooooommmmm ... I just saw the best thing on Jerry's The Magic Show. Can I please watch more?"
"OK. But first can I tell you something. Tomorrow Jerry's The Magician is going to put on a magic show!"
"So can you please sign up for the magic show?"
"OK Let's do it"
"Here we are! At Jerry's The Magic Show!"
"It's him, Jerry!"
"I know all of you fellows have been waiting to see me," says Jerry. "So I am going to do a very good magic trick. You see this rabbit here?
Look closely at it dissapear." Poof!
"Whoa!!," said the entire crowd.
"And now it is time for the best magic ever. It is time for the time travel."
"Wow! I see dinosaurs." says Maklin.
"Zhhhhoooo Zroooo"
"We're there!" says Jerry.
"WAhhhhhhhhh!" says the crowd
A giant with one eye and two wings and four feet and a scorpian tail and a lions head monster flew at them.
The crowd runs, but Jerry doesn't. One of them says "Look out Jerry".
But Jerry doesn't move. Jerry gets picked up and carried away.
They found a tree. They found a hole in the tree. They climbed in there.
At night time they gathered some leaves and soft stuff. And they put it under them and over them.
And then they slept.
When they woke up, they peaked out and saw no monsters and they saw dinosaurs.
Maklin took out her dinosaur book, looked at each dinosaur page and they were all dinosaurs.
And then they climbed out of the hole in the tree.
And they jumped down from the hole and they landed on the ground.
And then they walked around, they found a tree that was pretty tall. They climbed the tree and rested on it.
And then they saw a nest. And in the nest was Jerry The Magician!
They climbed down the tall tree with Jerry the Magician.
And then Jerry said, "Time to go forward in time!"
"Not again!"
The end!
Story Spark
Ella, who wrote “The Prince-ess" is presenting this week's Story Spark!
Write us a story from the perspective of someone or something that's not yourself. For example, maybe you write from a baby's perspective of their first birthday. Or, write a story from the perspective of a phone! What's it like for people to write and talk on you all day?
Roll Call Stories
Magic Sinkhole in the Kitchen
by an 10-year-old named Leilahni in Iowa
It was almost time for school and I was heading downstairs. I was going to eat some breakfast and then….
“Honey, watch out for the…” said mom
“Sinkhole,”mom finished
“I noticed,” I said “why is there a sinkhole in the kitchen?”
“Well… your brother he… well, one of his experiments… exploded.”mom replied.
“Oh, jeez. Again?”I said.
“Yeah, we really need to get him a lab…”she said, more to herself then to me.
I walked over to the table.
“Here.” said mom , tossing me my lunchbox. “The bus leaves in five minutes, eat quickly.”
“Thanks, mom.” I said “ You know, I…uh-oh! I’m slipping! Wooooooaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!”
I fell into the sinkhole. It was deep and dark, but i wouldn’t stop falling. It was… bottomless.
“I can’t see! Oh! My phone! I’ve got a flashlight on it! Ah...where…? Oh,here it is… and,okay, i got it! AHHH!!!”I said, as I looked behind me. There was a giraffe.
It told me to follow it as it swam through the air. I followed it through a big, weird, hexagonal, door in the side of the sinkhole.
“I’m Larryfrandelopodoobop, but you can call me Larry.” said the giraffe.
“Okay… Um, Larry.” I said, “Where are we going?”
“We’re here.” Larry said.
“Where’s “here”” I said.
“It’s the land of bobhotlopdeenarrf. Or, as most people call it: THE LAND OF BOB.” said Larry, “Now, what is your name and what is your land?”
“I’m...Leilahni, and I’m from Indianola, Iowa.” I told him.
He looked at me with disgust and said: “what kind of name and land are those?”
“Well, anyway… that’s Larry, that’s Larry, that’s Larry, that’s Larry...” Larry said. “And that’s Barry. We don’t talk about him.”
“Um……...Okay…” I said. “Where are we going?”
“We’re going to my friend, Doctor Larry.” said Larry.
We floated around for a while, and then we came to a weird, purple, thing. It looked like a bean.
“Hello” Larry said to the bean “I’m here to see doctor Larry.”
“Name?” the bean responded in a voice that sounded like a sick, french, donkey. It was weird.
“Larryfrandelopodoobop” Larry said.
“Come in”
The door opened.
“AH, LARRY!” said doctor Larry, loudly. “WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?!?”
“This girl, she needs your special pickle.” said Larry.
We left and ran into Barry.
Larry had a disgusted look on his face. He said: “Barry! Ugg… oh! Hey, can you look after this girl, the one with the pickle.”
“Oh, sure!” said Barry. “Come on girl.”
“Okay..” I said.
Barry took me on a tour around The Land Of Bob, and then he said: “We’re gonna go out into the sinkhole, and i want you to eat the pickle”
“Um, sure.” I responded.
We went into the sinkhole, falling.
I ate the pickle, then I started to fall faster, and faster, and faster, and then...
“Huh? Mom?”I said.
I was back at the top.
“The bus is here, get outside.”
she said.
“Wait, it’s only been five minutes?” I said.
“Yes, get outside. You fell in the sinkhole, how’d you get out?”
“I don’t know… magic?” I said.
“Get outside.” My mom laughed.
Why is the Book So Quiet
by 8-year-old Henry in Utah
The Pickle Making Machine
by 6-year-old Po in New Hampshire
Once upon a time, there was a pickle named Pickle that loved eating pickled pigs hooves. Pickle found a pickle making machine in their backyard. When they found that pickle making machine, they saw a red button. They pressed it. Then, the whole world turned into a giant slice of a pickle! Pickle loved his new world, so they ate all the way to the center of this new pickle world. But there was giant seeds! Pickle ate into those seeds and built a house in those seeds. Their house has lava dripping off the roof and volcanoes everywhere! It was heated by a giant pool of lava under the floor!
The end.
Party on the Moon
by 10-year-old Evie in the UK
We’ll feature new stories every week!