When Loofah takes the day off, a stunt performer (Lou Wilson) is hired to fill in. Featuring two new stories: “Lala,” a song about a girl who goes to great lengths to find her voice, written by Juniper, a 10 year old from Tennessee, and “Laugh Day (A New Holiday),” a story about the funniest new holiday around, written by a 6 year old from Massachusetts named Miles.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Original Stories
Laugh Day (A New Holiday)
by Miles, age 6, Massachusetts
Today is laugh day. If you see a new person your goal is to make them laugh. Then at the end of the day we have a giant feast. On one side of the table there’s candy. In the middle, there’s candy and healthy stuff. And on the other side there’s just healthy stuff. And then after that before you go to bed you watch yourself laughing. And then you go to bed. But your goal is to dream about yourself making other people laugh, and making other people feel happy. And that is the magic of laugh day.
by Juniper, age 10, Tennessee
Once upon a time there was a girl named Lala and she loved to sing but she could only sing her name, Lala. One day she went to her school theater and she heard a voice say, "Hello, I am your announcer Billy...Bob...Joe... and I will be randomly picking who will sing a solo at the Boom Elementary music fest." "Yay!" "Woo!" "I'm gonna sing a solo" clap clap clap! Cheer cheer cheer! She decided she would go in. She didn't want to sing the solo, but she decided her chances were so low she would not get chosen. Soon Billy...Bob...Joe... said, "Now."He closed his eye. "How about..." he pointed his finger and moved it around, "YOU!" His finger landed on Lala. Lala was speechless. She meant to say no, but all that came out was "Wow." She now realized that everyone was looking at her. The script was brought to her. When she got home she went straight to her room. She didn't even glance at the script, and she cried. "I can't sing the solo if I can sing my name!" Soon two fairies appeared, and they said "Hello Lala, we know your problem, and we know how to fix it too. You see your voice is at the top of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world."
Lala got up straight away, walked down the stairs and told her mom, "Mom, I'm going to climb Mount Everest!" Her mom said, "OK! Wait, did you say you were going to climb Mount Everest?" But Lala was already out the door. Lala got on an air plane and went to Mount Everest. When she got there she started to climb, and climb, and CLIMB. When she got to the top, she saw a team of insects, and they said, "Hello Lala, we know what you are looking for and we have it right here." They stepped to the side to reveal ice cream in an ice cream cone. The team of insects said "Eat it!" So Lala ate it. And soon she had her singing voice again. She got back on the airplane and flew back home. She sang the whole way there. When she got there she looked at her script she would sing at the Boom Elementary Music Fest. And it said, "La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la." THE END
Our adaptation of Lala was written by Nimene Wureh and produced by Brendan O’Grady, with vocal direction by Jack Mitchell
Story Spark
Juniper, who wrote “Lala" is presenting this week's Story Spark!
Kids: write about a plant that can talk. Describe the plant. Does it have its own language? Does it have feelings?
Roll Call Stories
The Nonstop Laughers
by a 10-year-old named Delia in Texas
Once there was a girl named Indigo. She went to the playground near her house one day and found her friend scarlet. I am bored said Indigo. What should we do? Could we swing? Nah Could we play in the sand? Nah. What if we make each other laugh? Suggested Scarlet. Great Idea Said Indigo. Can you go first? Scarlet took a minute to think. Okay. She stood up and ran around the playground singing a crazy song. Indigo started to giggle. Then guffaw and then chortle before she knew it tears were welling up in her eyes. Scarlet stopped her goofing and asked, are you ok? I think so replied Indigo She was laughing harder now. I can’t stop! You were just so funny! I know how to make people laugh Said Scarlet. Indigo (Still Laughing) Stood up and Imideatly tripped. AHHH! Hahahahhahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaha Now they were both crying and laughing. A baby boy came up and said Mawmwa Aw tey owkay? The two girls started to laugh harder. When they got home they went to the man down the street who everyone had said could solve any problem no matter how big (or small) When they arrived at his house they saw an old man sitting in a corner eating something. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!! He said in a booming voice so loud it could shake the earth. Indigo took out a sticky note and wrote something downHe studied the note and made a slight nod. Okay… Take this potion and drink it all up. And take some chicken soup for the road. He handed them a big container. The next morning they woke up (after a night of barely sleeping) and noticed something. They had stopped laughing!! Hooray!! The End
The Carrot Who Wants to be a Potato
by 7-year-old Zoey in the UK
Once upon a time there was a carrot called potato and a potato called carrot. They both wanted to be the other one and then both of the bags they were in were bought by the same person. The person cut holes in the bag so that they would drop into the cooking pot. The person cooked them together and then they swapped brains, and in the morning they realised they'd swapped! And then the carrot was called carrot and the potato was called potato. And then a unicorn came and pooped on their heads, giggle giggle. The end.
The Pickle Making Machine
by 6-year-old Po in New Hampshire
Once upon a time, there was a pickle named Pickle that loved eating pickled pigs hooves. Pickle found a pickle making machine in their backyard. When they found that pickle making machine, they saw a red button. They pressed it. Then, the whole world turned into a giant slice of a pickle! Pickle loved his new world, so they ate all the way to the center of this new pickle world. But there was giant seeds! Pickle ate into those seeds and built a house in those seeds. Their house has lava dripping off the roof and volcanoes everywhere! It was heated by a giant pool of lava under the floor!
The end.
Flowers Aren’t As Sweet As They Seem
by 9-year-old Coraline in California
Calling all San-Franciscans! Open your doors - look out your windows. THERE ARE FLOWERS IN GARDENS EATING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Grownup with a Growth Spurt
by 5-year-old Arlo in Massachusetts
A growth spurt is when kids grow really big and get really hungry. But I am a grownup and I got a growth spurt! I’m EXTRA hungry! Tonight is movie night snack dinner so I’m going to get to eat ALL the snacks. But oh no! Suddenly I don’t fit in my house! My clothes don’t even fit! I can’t lay on my bed. If eating extra makes me grow really tall, maybe I’ll try eating less until I get smaller again. What has tomato sauce and cheese? My lunch! Pizza! My favorite! Maybe I’ll just get a bigger house. The end.
We’ll feature new stories every week!