When her diamond headphones go missing, Meghan recruits a hard-boiled detective (Dan Mintz) to solve the mystery. Featuring two new stories: “The Starfish,” a story about remembering who you were in a past life, written by Louis, a 9 year old from Nevada, and “The Package,” a rom com-style story about a gloomy farmer who receives a special delivery…of love, written by an 8-year-old from New York named Saanvi.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Original Stories
The Starfish
by Louis, age 9, Nevada
Once there was a starfish. Every night it would climb up a rock and look up and see all of the real stars. Sometimes it thought it used to be a star up there and fell by an asteroid or something, but he bonked his head so he doesn't remember.
So then he went to Shark and asked him if he could help him get up to space. He asked Shark if he could throw him up there.
Shark tried. Starfish went up and then down. Nothing.
Then they tried to use a cannon to get starfish up there. Blast! Starfish hit an airplane - it did not work.
They used a cannon and he was about to make it until - bing! - he hit an airplane.
So then they tried it again. When he went up, a meteor hit him, and when he hit the ground he bounced back up into space. He was in space! But there was something different about him - he was shiny, he was brighter, he was made of fire! He was a real star! With all of the other stars he would play with his old friends that he had made back before he fell to Earth.
The end.
The Package
by Saanvi, age 8, New York
er named Rick came outside his barn on a sunny warm day. Now you might think that farmer Rick loves sunny warm days but this farmer hates sunny warm days. He loves dark and stormy days. So when he sees the sun and feels the warmth he nearly hides in the barn for the rest of the day! The animals are so upset!
So when farmer Rick came outside to Sunny warm day he grunted and then went back into the barn. Then there was a ding dong, and famer Rick got the door. And standing there was the Post lady.
“What do you want?”, farmer Rick asked.
“I've got a package for you”, said Sarah, the Post lady.
Farmer Rick never gets packages. Sara dropped the Box on the farmer's grass and walked back to her van. Farmer Rick picked up the box and carried it inside. He opened the box and inside there was a Heart-Shaped Box.
Farmer Rick gasped “I forgot today is Valentine's Day. Maybe one of the kids sent me a prank box.” But inside there was a box of chocolates. You might think that Farmer Rick was surprised to get chocolates, but farmer Rick got a piece of chocolate and took a bite “crunch”. The smell floated across the barn.
The next morning it was sunny and warm so instead of farmer Rick staying in all day he went to milk the cows, fix up the chicken coop and do more farming stuff. The animals were confused about what happened and how did he change? Farmer Rick walked his dog Star, waved to everyone and did a lot of nice things everyday. It seemed like that until one day all the pieces came together..
One day another package came, Sara dropped it off and said nothing. Strange thought Rick.. As he opened the package he found a note that said “Hi my name is Sarah and I gave you the box of chocolates”.
“What a surprise!” farmer Rick said. Then he went to the post office and went to the front desk.
“Is Sara here?” farmer Rick asked.
“Yes, why?” asked Max the head postman
“I wanted to ask her something,” farmer Rick said.
“Okay you may go” said Max “but only for twenty minutes okay”
“Yes sir” Farmer Rick said.
When he saw Sarah he asked “Did you send me chocolates?”
“Me?” Sarah asked
“Yeah” farmer Rick said
“Then yes” responded Sarah. “You are my Valentine”, she added.
So they got married and lived happily ever after!
Story Spark
Saanvi, who wrote “The Package" is presenting this week's Story Spark!
Kids: write us an adventure story about someone who goes hiking up a mountain, but then, they get lost. Who comes to save them, and how do they do it?
Roll Call Stories
Shivering Timbers
by a 10-year-old named Norah in Minnesota
When I shiver, I yell "TIMBER!"
When I shiver, I trip
When I shiver, I yell "TIMBER!"
When I shiver, I fall
When I shiver, I yell "TIMBER!"
When I shiver, I scrape my knee
The Princess With No Etiquette
by 7-year-old Eva in Hawaii
Persian Cats Raining From The Sky
by 6-year-old Ellie in New York
Kevin The Worry Chip
by 9-year-old Coraline in California
Once upon a time there was a chip called Kevin. He was a worry chip. All the other chips were happy chips. Kevin wished he was a warrior chip.
So Kevin went on a journey to find the Sword of Destiny. But there are dangerous things that are terrifying! But he will try to be brave.
So he went off. When he reached the first enemy he was scared, but he knew he could be brave. This was the first dragon, but it was not that strong though. Kevin hit the dragon with his fierce sword then the dragon blew fire out of its mouth. Then Kevin flung his shield in front of him and blocked the fire. Then he quickly dashed and hit the dragon. The dragon was defeated.
“Only two more dragons to defeat.” Said Kevin.
He started to walk. When he reached the second dragon he was braver than ever. He knows he can do it. He ducked when the dragon blew fire at him. He jumped and striked the dragon as hard as he could. Kevin started running so fast around the dragon that the dragon got so dizzy. Kevin destroyed the second dragon.
He started walking again. Then he saw the last dragon. He rose his powerful sword. They were ready to fight. Kevin shot up and striked the dragon. The dragon blew fire at Kevin, but Kevin stopped the fire and it blew back at the dragon and the dragon was defeated.
Then Kevin saw the Sword of Destiny. He was a great warrior chip. When he got home he showed all the happy chips the Sword of Destiny. When he thought in bed he felt brave and he didn’t want to keep the sword so he decided not to keep the sword. The end.