Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!
The Highest Bidder
by Liam, age 12, Wisconisin
It was a fine time at the auction. The richest people would come to buy stuff that they could just buy online for less, but no. They gotta go to an AUCTION. I should stop ranting about auctions, and move along. Anyway, the auctioneer brings out the item. A box of chickens. Why were chickens in a box?? NO REASON. Anyway, nobody wanted to buy it! Except for one man. "$200." He says, out of his seat. The auctioneer looks around. No one else is bidding. "Well since no one else is bi-" He is stopped. "Too low?? I got this. $200, and my shoe." Everyone is frozen in shock. "Uh, we don't need your sho-" Stopped again. "$200, my shoe, and my penguin. His name is penguini." A very fancy, very dignified, penguin walked out, as everyone said "That's a cool penguin!" Penguini quacked. "I'll even throw in this tiny piano!" He adds, pulling a piano out of his pocket. The auctioneer is at a loss for words, but he speaks. "Well, you certainly get th-" Once again, stopped. "You drive a hard bargain! I'll go higher! I'll throw in the concept of a perfect circle!" Everyone gasped. "A PERFECT CIRC-" STOPPED AGAIN!! "Ok, fine." The bidder says. Boss music starts playing in the distance. "$200, my shoe, penguini, THE CONCEPT OF A PERFECT CIRCLE......and my dinosaur." Everyone gasped. Shocked. Once again, the auctioneer spoke, “WW-where is he?” He quivers. “Oh, he’s here right now.” Just then, A GIANT T-REX SMASHES THROUGH THE BUILDING AND SHOOTS ITS LASER EYES EVERYWHERE! Everyone leaves. “Did I win the auction?” The bidder asks.
Roll Call Stories
Super Shack Saves House City
by Fiona, age 7, Pennsylvania
"Once upon a time in a far away land there were some houses in House City named lily, lyla, nina, nino, and kidle. They lived happily, but then…
…The greedy Dino Mansion tried to take up all the space and become a Dino Factory!
Then, Super Shack came and made a compromise with Dino Mansion, so that if he needed to get more land, he could ask.
And then they lived happily ever after and they still live peacefully to this day.”
Goldfish and when it Bumps Into Dads
by Theo, age 9, New York
(Dad)”Ah, time for my daily dose of goldfish. I get to try it with my new mustache I grew on a pear tree. (Thomas) No dad, you keep forgetting that you grew it under your nose and above your mouth! Well anyway I guess you can go to your six million dollar cherry-infested goldfish fountain on our neighbor’s roof.”(dad) “Ok do you wanna come?”(Thomas)”Yeah, that sounds delicious! Well, I’m heading up the 26 flights of stairs to your six million dollar cherry-infested goldfish fountain on our neighbors roof***pant, pant- We made it!” (Dad) “Boy am I glad we live in row houses. It makes it so much easier to our neighbors roof!” (Thomas) “Hi Mr. Fork, can we go on your roof for goldfish?” (Mr. Fork) “yep” (Thomas) “Dad, I don’t want goldfish so you can have it all.” (Dad) “K’.***Finally goldfish. Huh, I’m eating this but nothings coming into my mouth. It’s coming into my mustache!” (Thomas) “Try to squeeze it out” (Dad) “Okay.” (squeeze chomp squeeze chomp)”I’m gonna go burn some calories, WEE! (Thomas) “The End!”
The Girl Who Loved Tortellini
by Zadie and Louise, California