
Blue Jay Pizza

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

Blue Jay Pizza

by Jolee, age 8, New York
It’s a sunny day in Italy. There was a pizza shop, it was very good. The chef’s name is Mario. He had a secret ingredient; it was to have fun and take your time. There was a blue jay. The blue jay smells the pizza every day. He loves the pizza. One day he swooped and took the pizza out of Marios hand. His claws grabbed the pizza and it smashed into the waiter’s face. Then Mario was on his knees crying hysterically. All of the customers were staring at Mario.

Mario got his apron and threw it on the floor and said “I quit!” Then everyone was crying because the pizza was so good. Mario said “if this happens one more time, I quit!”. The bird was lured out with hot and fresh pizza.

Every day the Blue jay came back for breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside the pizzeria.

Roll Call Stories

Bubble Hiccups

by Riley, age 7, Florida

The Big Fat Cake Contest Story

by Daniel, age 8, Honduras

The Strawberry Who Was Freeze Dried

by Lucille, age 10, Louisiana

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a strawberry, and that strawberry was not very red or juicy or sweet. This strawberry was pale and dry and sour and very small. Nobody wanted to eat this strawberry so she was sad all of the time.
Strawberry: No one wants to eat me. The only thing I can really do is watch T.V.
T.V. : bleep
News caster: Hello everybody today I am here with the creator of the freeze dried strawberry. We need you guys to find the palest the driest the sourest the smallest strawberry you can find so that Mr.Marks can make more freeze dried strawberries for everyone to enjoy.
Strawberry: WHAT!!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I need to be freeze dried, I’ll be the coolest strawberry ever. But how will I get to the science lab with these tiny legs?
Strawberry: shush bus I am trying to think of a way to get to the science lab fast…
That's it, I will take the bus!!!
Bus: vroooooom
Strawberry: finally I’m here.
Hello are you Mr.Marks
Mr.Marks: yes, are you ready to be freeze dried
Strawberry: yes! Very ready
Mr.Marks: Ok hop in this box and I will turn it on
Strawberry: Ok turn it on.
Oh it is getting hot in here,very hot in here! AAAHHH! THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!!!!!

No strawberries were harmed in the making of this podcast.


Cursed Gummy Bears and a Weird Wizard

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

Cursed Gummy Bears and a Weird Wizard

by Connor, age 12, Tennessee

A girl named grace and a boy named jack walk into a mysterious purple candy store, and buy some super mega crazy weird gummy bears, they pay their 50000 dollars each and eat the gummy bears, but they find out the gummy bears are cursed and they fall into a deep sleep and wake up in a giant flying shoe floating above their town. They see a man in a wizards hat and the man says his name is gorfallenspiel the powerful and his pet running banana is jorfybob the unintelligible, he asks the kids to play would you rather with him and grace says yes but jack is not sure. He is lured into playing by a large cupcake covered in cloud, the wizard asks them, would you rather live next to a giant volcano of hot fudge or have their house flooded by a wave of whipped cream. They pick the giant volcano and a giant volcano filled with hot fudge grows into the middle of the town and starts spitting out giant globs of hot fudge. the wizard then asks “50 dollars or 1,000,000,000 pennies” and they chose number 2.After they chose number 2 their house started flooding with pennies and the house exploded in a giant flood of pennies. The kids say stop and ask the wizard to take it back, but the wizard likes it and says that the only way they can stop him is by tagging his pet running banana. The kids start chasing after the banana but the banana is fast and it starts running up the walls, the kids finally catch it by taking the wizards hat and snatching it. They then tickle the banana so much that it peels and the kids say hooray. Then a book falls off the wizards shelf and knocks them out , then they wake up in their bed and their mom walks into their room and asks them if they want to go get some super mega crazy weird gummy bears and the kids yell “NO!” THE END

Roll Call Stories

The Mushroom Who Had Legs

by Theodore, age 9, New Hampshire

Once upon a time, a wizard dropped his wand on a mushroom. The mushroom grew legs and began to skip. He skipped around the world. He hoped on a giant dinosaur balloon at a parade. He did the moonwalk at a dance party. He jumped into a pool. Then he went into a cafe and drank some coffee through his butt! The End

Mr. Bigbrain's Moving Adventure

by Eliza, age 6, Maryland

Once upon a time, there was a scientist named Mr. Bigbrain. He lived in a big mansion with a watch on it, and the watch actually worked. He needed money because he couldn't afford to get to another city, and he wanted to. Then he got a phone call for one of his inventions. The people named Jessie and Berry wanted to order the mind-reading invention. That's a gadget that lets you look in someone's mind. And in Jessie and Berry's dog's mind was that he wanted to get big so people could ride him. So they ordered an invention from Mr. Bigbrain called the big-inator to make him bigger. But, a baby dragon flew in and knocked over the big-inator and made the baby dragon bigger. The baby dragon called its mom, and the mom got mad at Mr. Bigbrain for making her baby big. She breathed fire on his mansion, but luckily Mr. Bigbrain was under a fireproof desk. So, he walked into the forest from the city to find a new house. The mom dragon felt bad for destroying his mansion, so she made him a house in the forest, but it fell down because it was a fake house made out of paper. So, she flew Mr. Bigbrain to the new city he wanted to go to and built him a new house there.

Liam and the Worm

by Liam, age 8, Texas

Once upon a time Liam was walking and he found a can on the ground. There was worm in it was a magic worm. It could grant wishes. Liam wished he could fly then he started to float off the ground Liam said “wow it worked” he started to glide around in the air so he showed it to his friend his friend loved it so much that he wished he could take over the world because he was actually a super villain THE END just kidding Liam’s friend actually only took over a small town the end actually really literally. And now as the narrator I am being told that I am fired.

Being Famous

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

Being Famous

by Amelia, age 10, New Hampshire



Mrs. Robin


Random Man On The Street

Random Man On The Street’s dad



People down on the street

Sky King

Hailey: (Grumbling and muttering)(Looks up) Oh! Hi! I didn’t notice you there. Sorry, I’m just listening to my teacher’s famous one-thousand page novel, “Andy Goes to School”. She’s famous. So is everyone else in my class. Well, except me.

Mrs. Robin: Hailey! Are you paying attention? Andy is just confiding in his mother his fears about kindergarten! This is a very important part!!!

Hailey: Sorry, Mrs. Robin! I’ll pay attention now!

(Fast-forward sound)

Hailey: OK, it’s three hours later. I’m back at home now, and in my room. OK, so everyone in my class is famous except for me. I really want to be famous, too! I’ll be the most famous of them all.

Dad: ( From downstairs) Hailey, it’s time for you to go outside! Thirty-one minutes today, get some fresh air!

Hailey: Dad! Why can’t I have just thirty minutes as usual?! Come on!!!

Dad: Because I need time for a dance break during all my writing. Come on, get outside!

(Fast-forward sound)

Hailey: OK, so I’m outside. One extra minute should give me enough time to go for a walk, so here we go! Walking, walking along…

Narrator: As Hailey was walking along, she saw a random man on the street and decided to say hi.

Hailey: Hi, random man on the street! What’s your name?

Random Man On The Street: My name? You just said it.

Random Man On The Street, pleased to meet you. You can call me RMOTS. Say, would you like some sunglasses?

Hailey: Why thank you, RMOTS! That would be nice!

(Thunder rumbles. Lightning cracks.)

Narrator: Looks like rain, ha ha! OK, back to the story.

Hailey: How much do they cost?

Random Man On The Street: Oh, they’re free.

(Laughs maniacally under his breath)

Random Man On The Street’s Dad: RMOTS, are you pranking people again?

Random Man On The Street: No, Dad! I’m not pranking!

Hailey: Lalala, walking away… Oh! I’d better put on the glasses!

(Puts on the glasses)

(Transformation sound: only slightly different from fast-forward sound)

Hailey: Oh! What happened? Why is everything so small? Why am I so hot? Are those big flaming balls of gas?

People down on the street: Wow, that was a fast storm! The sun’s so bright today!

Hailey: Why are they looking at me? Wait… I THINK I’M THE SUN! What happened?

Moon(distantly) The sunglasses… The sunglasses…

Hailey: Ugh! The sunglasses! Curse you, RMOTS!

Moon(Getting closer) The sunglasses… The sunglasses…

Hailey: Wait. Is that… the Moon?

People in the street: Wait. The Sun and the Moon are in the sky at the same time?

Hailey: Oh, quiet down, people.

People in the street:(Pause for a second. Then start screaming.) THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END! THE SUN TALKS!

Hailey. Wow. It’s getting really… hot… here…

Moon… I… know… the… cure…

Hailey: Moon! You have to tell me!

Moon: The… sunglasses…

Hailey: Yes, I know the sunglasses are turning me into the sun, but what’s the cure?

Narrator: And as Hailey was going through all of this, she was realizing something. This was what being famous was like! She was the sun, and the sun was something everyone knew!

Hailey: Come on, what’s the CURE!?

Moon: OK, Ok! I was just being dramatic, sheesh! ( Clears throat)

The cure is…

Sky King: Come on, you two, get back to work!

Moon: Yes, Sky King! Bye, Hailey!

Hailey: Wait! What’s the cure?

Moon: The sunglasses… the sunglasses…

Hailey: (Groans) I’ll never get the cure now!

Hailey: Oh, these sunglasses are dirty. I’ll take them off and clean them. (Takes sunglasses off)

(Transformation sound)

Hailey: Oh, hi RMOTS! Wait… I’m human again! Whoop-whoop! I HATE YOU RMOTS!!! YAY!!!

Narrator: And they all lived happily ever after. The end!

Roll Call Stories

A Time We Can Only Imagine

by Goldie, age 10, Oregon

Diff-u-ball (pronounced "diff-uh-ball")

by Rudy, age 6, Canada

Once upon a time there was a family that loved potato chips. One day, a yeti burst through their door and said “Can I have some potato chips?” The family said no, but then all of them at the same time said “are you a yeti?”

And they all fainted.

And then the yeti went over to the cupboard and stole all the packages of potato chips, even the barbecue flavour. He hated that flavour.

Then, he made a trail of ice and went to Pluto. When the family woke up, the yeti was gone and they had completely forgotten that they loved potato chips. They went to the cupboard to make a snack, but the cupboard was empty. They were all surprised. They looked in the fridge and there was still nothing there.

On Pluto, the yeti was showing the potato chips to all the other yetis, especially Bob. Bob was his best friend, and he loved the barbecue flavour. That’s why the yeti took that flavour when he was back at the house.

Back on Earth, the grandparents were building a spaceship, because they were the only ones who saw what really happened. They lived next-door. A couple days later the spaceship was done. They brought it over to the other house and begged the family to get inside. The family was saying “no” because they didn’t actually remember what happened. Finally, they got inside, but the grandparents didn’t actually know which planet the yeti went to.

So they tried every planet, except the dwarf planets. They were like “the yeti must have gone back to Earth.”

Then they saw a white shape on Pluto, but they were like “that must have just been a star.” They started heading back to Earth, but then they heard talking, and they hurried to Pluto. The parents saw the yeti and they were really scared because they didn’t remember that they saw this yeti before. Then the grandparents and the parents got chased off of Pluto. The grandparents didn’t know what to do about this, so they tried disguising themselves to look like yetis, because they already have white hair.

Then they tried it again, and the yetis didn’t seem to think they were suspicious at all. The grandparents asked “why did you steal the family’s potato chips?”

Then the yetis were like “that’s what yetis do,” and since yetis had super great smell, they smelled that the grandparents were actually humans in costumes. The yeti actually tugged on the grandparents’ real hair. He moved his hand a little bit sideways and tugged off the real mask. Then the grandpa said “hey let’s just be friends.”

The yeti said “I’ve never actually thought of that before.” And they went back to Earth and became friends. The family eventually became friends with the yeti too and shared their potato chips.


Cheese Land

by Lorelai, age 7, Georgia

Once there was a place called Cheese Land. Everything was made out of cheese. The whole country was made of cheese. If you went up to outer space, the Cheese Land looked yellow.

BUT their problem was RATS! RATS! And more RATS! IT attracted giant rats and it kept eating Cheese Land. The rats kept eating more cheese! And more cheese! Eventually the Cheese country was gone.

Until there was Cheese Rat! “I am Cheese Rat! I am here to save you! I build everything out of CHEESE!”

He built up so much cheese and put up a big “NO RATS ALLOWED” sign. He even put up a force field that kept out all the rats. If a rat ran into the force field, it would bounce off it.

And Cheese Land lived happy every after.


If Summer Only Lasted A Day

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

If Summer Lasted a Day

by Nash, age 10, Indiana

“I’m so exited for summer!” Nash exclaimed.

“Now remember honey, something strange happened with time. Remember, summer only lasts a day now.” Nash’s mom reminded him.

“Ok, I’m going to go to bed.” Nash said with a yawn.

Nash woke up and thought, “Wow it’s summer now! No school! Wait, but it’s only a day! I’m gonna fix this! Ok, I’m gonna get on my bike and go to my friend Barry’s lab. He’s the smartest guy I know.”

“Hey Barry!” Nash shouted

“Yes?” asked Barry.

“I need to use the time machine!”

“Ok, let’s go!” Barry said excitedly.

“Wait, what do you mean LET’S?” Nash asked confused.

Barry poured himself a glass of juice. “I’m coming with you, are you fixing summer?”

“Yes, I am!”

“Ok let’s go! Uh oh, I spilled my juice! AHHHH WE ARE GOING INTO LAST YEAR!” screamed Barry.

“Wait, that is good! Yay! Ok, so we are gonna fix the timeline.”

“So what do we do?” Barry asked.

“I don’t know. I thought we could fix the timeline by going back in time, but I don’t know how. Maybe we should accept the fact that summer only lasts a day now.” Nash said sadly.

“Yeah. BUT THE TIME MACHINE IS BROKEN! We are stuck in last year. I’ll figure out what’s wrong.”

Barry checked out the time machine. “Oh…so we need a spring, a time coil, and time juice. Luckily, we have time juice.”

“Wait, what?” Nash asked.

“It’s normal juice. I just soaked up the juice I spilled in the time machine with my sock and wrung it out in a bucket.”

Nash looked at Barry wringing his sock out. “Ok I’ll get the spring. Wait, why did you call it time juice?”

“I did spill the juice in the time machine and it traveled through time with us.” Barry laughed. “I’ll get the coil.”

The boys explored the area. Luckily, there was a spring stand just up the road. Nash went to the nearby spring stand.

“Would you like a spring?” said the kid running the stand.

“Yes, I would like a spring very much!” Nash couldn’t believe how lucky it was to find the stand. He paid the kid $15.

Barry went to a science facility. He heard two scientists talking about how they had talked with aliens using a special machine. They said the aliens asked if they wanted the Earth moved closer to their planet. The aliens said it was a much nicer part of the solar system. The scientists said they had two days to think about it.

Barry realized that the aliens must have moved Earth and that is what made summer last only a day. He thought, “If I take the coil from the scientists’ machine and use it in the time machine, I can fix summer and get home. What could go wrong?”

He grabbed the coil and met Nash back at the time machine and told him all about the aliens and what the scientists said.

“Wow, good thing you were there! Now let’s get home to summer!”

Nash and Barry fixed the time machine.

“Now we use the machine! Weeee!”

They landed back in Barry’s lab and looked at the calendar. Summer was saved!

Nash and Barry grabbed their bikes and went to the door.

“Now we- uh oh looks like taking that stuff made the world turn into an apocalypse!” “…AAAAAAAAHHH” Nash exclaimed. Back in Barry’s lab the news was on Barry’s super mega cool TV. “We are here at the lab, and the scientists are explaining why there is an apocalypse.” The news person said. “The apocalypse was caused when our communication device went KA-POOT!” The scientist explained. “What he means to say is that the communications device lost its coil.” The news person explained. “We lost connections with the aliens and now they are mad!” The scientist explained. “We need to buy another coil!!!” Barry exclaimed. They ran to the nearest electrical supply house, but it was surrounded by aliens! “Oh no there’s a lot of aliens!” Nash exclaimed. “We are gonna have to crawl through the vents.” Barry said. As Barry said, they crawled through the vents. After crawling through the vents, THEY ALERTED THE ALIENS!!!!! “aaaAaAAAAAAAHHH” Nash exclaimed. They pushed through the crowd of aliens, and got onto their bikes. “We’re at the lab.” Barry said. They gave the coil to the scientists, and they talked to the aliens. “We’re sorry we couldn’t call back, but here we are!” The scientists said. “No We sHoUlD bE sOrRy, We oVeR rEaCtEd, We ReThOuGhT aNd We WoNt MoVe YoU.” The aliens said. “That’s what we wanted to tell you! We don’t want to move. The scientists said. “We DiD iT!” Nash rejoiced. “WOOHOO!” Barry exclaimed. “I’m gonna have a summer party!” Nash exclaimed. And then they had a party, the end.

Roll Call Stories


by Travis, age 7, Pennsylvania

Diff-u-ball (pronounced "diff-uh-ball")

by Travis

(read by a stadium announcer)

For the first time on TV, there has been a new sport invented. I'm your host Travis Alexson. Now presenting "Diff-u-ball".

Now, let me explain to you how this new game works. So, it's just like regular baseball, but people use their feet, and do Pitcher's Paradise. And also, each side of the stadium has the color of each team. It doesn't matter which team is up to bat, if someone hits a homerun into their team's color or side, their team gets a point. If they hit a homerun into the other team's color or side, the other team gets a point.

Oh, and I forgot to mention... this game is half soccer and half baseball. So, everyone wears baseball uniforms but they play with a soccer ball. Get your food ready and hands up for the very first pitch of Diff-u-ball!!!!

Okay, now here are the two teams- the Tenessee Aardvarks versus the Texas Anacondas. The Tennessee Aardvarks come up to bat while the Anacondas take the field. The Aardvarks are putting their best batter up first! Here's the pitch... and it's a hit! Oh a big one... and he's.... safe at third base. One new thing about this game, it's only two innings long, so let's hope everyone gets their runs scored early on.

(one inning later...)

Okay, to recap our score, it's 11-0 with the Aardvarks in the lead. But here come the Anacondas up to bat! They drafted the very best players, so I think they'll make a big comeback here. Here comes the first batter for the Anacondas. Here's the pitch. Wow- what a big hit! But it's right down the middle... which side will it go into??? Aaaaaaaaand it's the Anacondas!

(at the end of the game...)

Wow, that was the best game I have ever hosted... which makes sense since it was the first game I've ever hosted! And boy, did those Anacondas have a comeback. With a final score of 25-12, the Anacondas slither into first place, and squeeeeeeeze the Aardvarks down in the standings. And next up, they'll face the Alabama Cheetahs in the Cheetahs' home stadium.

The End

Squirrel Wrestling Academy

by Noel, age 9, Canada

Public Bug

by Henry, age 5, California

Hi I am Public the bug! I am telling you the of when I became the mayor of Bug City. It stared off I was in my house (which was not as good as my house right now) which is a giant leaf stalk. And my house right now is a giant building. When I went out of my house every day I wished that I could be public. So, one day, I thought of an idea. My ideas I came up with was a hope that it would work. I tried to get to being the mayor. And folks who are listening, “I am the MAYOR right now.” So, I tried to talk to the old mayor, but he never every listened until now. To make this story long, sadly it was two weeks after, I called the mayor one last time and he answered and he told me if I wanted to become the mayor, I had to do trials. My first trial was practicing being the mayor. I was the ruler of one group of people. The second test was practicing protecting the city. And I passed that one. The final trial was the hardest and I had to learn how to boss people. And for that I had to boss 20 people and I passed that test! Then I became the mayor! THE END

Broken Down Spaceship Diary

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

Broken Down Spaceship Diary

by Ally, age 13, Kansas

I bought a spaceship earlier, and my experience was so crazy that I decided that I had to write it down. It all started when my friend and I decided to buy a spaceship. We didn’t have a lot of money so we decided to go to a used spaceship dealer, our first mistake. He took us to the lot and absentmindedly set his hand on the hood. Smoke almost immediately started billowing out out of it. The dealer didn’t look very shocked to our surprise. “Oh yeah,” he said, “don’t touch the hood and you’ll be fine.” Our second mistake was continuing the tour after this.

He then took us inside the cockpit and showed us around. It actually looked pretty nice, so nice that we didn’t even notice that he didn’t touch the dashboard a single time. He showed us around the rest of the spaceship and told us the price. This is where we made our final mistake. We bought the spaceship. Looking back, that was a really stupid decision, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. Let me explain. I had promised to visit my parents (who live on another planet) so I felt pressured into buying it, plus, it was really cheap.

We payed, the dealer handed us the keys, and we both sat down in the cockpit. We had both packed our bags and were ready to set off almost immediately after buying it. The trip was going pretty well, until my friend made the mistake of touching the dashboard. Immediately everything went haywire, the gauges were spinning out of control, all of the monitors started blinking like crazy, and the top of the dashboard popped off! My friend and I stood shell shocked for a few moments before springing into action.

I was piloting the ship so I immediately set it to autopilot and thought about my options. I remembered that the dealer said something about an instruction manual that we could use if anything on the ship broke. He said it was in the supply closet so I sprinted over there as fast as I could. I came in and was utterly confused, glitter glue, duct tape, and seemingly every tool in the galaxy filled the shelves. Ignoring the oddity of this place, I found the instruction manual and sprinted back to the cockpit where my friend was still waiting for me. I handed it to her and she found the page on the dashboard. She read it and sighed, I asked her what was wrong, she told me that it told her to hit it five times with a hammer and then fix it with duct tape. I realized that was why the utility closet had shelves upon shelves of duct tape and tools.

My friend and I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try, so we got the hammer and duct tape. We tried it and it worked! The trip was going fairly smoothly, as long as we didn’t touch the hood… or the dashboard… or anything else. Suddenly, an alarm sounded! I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin! What happened? Did an important system fail? A voice spoke up over the intercom, (robotic voice) “your toaster is broken.” I was not sure wether to cry tears of happiness or punch the intercom. I had nothing better to do since the ship on autopilot, so I decided to fix the toaster. I walked into the kitchen and found the toaster. Reading the manual caused me to have another revelation. it said to hit it 7 times with a wrench then fix it with glitter glue and duct tape. I guess that’s why there were shelves full of glitter glue in the utility closet. I did what the manual told me to do and it worked.

I returned to the cockpit and sat down. I realized there was something imbedded in the dashboard and turned it on. It spoke up, (robotic voice) “hello, I am rainforest sound vibration, how may I assist you?” The name reminded me of a certain device, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It spoke up again, “I have a variety of functions, including: trivia, playing music, answering questions, and gps services.” My friend and I decided to see what its default music playlist was. That was a mistake we would never make again. I will now list the songs it proceeded to play: baby dolphin, all I want for Easter is you, and 99 cans of milk on the wall. It was a rough trip, every few hours something would break down, but we made it to my parents in the end. And we made it back relatively safely. As of writing this I have not been able to get rid of it yet, so who knows what kind of adventures I will have on it later, but for now, bye.

Roll Call Stories

Dragon Flowercracker

by Caius, age 4, Germany

The Dragon Flowercracker:

Once upon a time, there was a dragon who ate flowers and crackers.

And this dragon breathed FLOWERCRACKERS!

Then we called the firefighters.

When they sprayed water, the flowers grew bigger and bigger!

The End.


Gollap the Talking Tree

by Elizabeth, age 7, Oregon

Ring ring. Ring ring. Hi, Gollap's Talking Tree Air Conditioning Repair Company, how can I help you?

Customer: Hi, is this Gollap's Talking Tree Air Conditioning Repair Company?

Gollap: Yes it is. How can I help you?

C: My air conditioning thing is broken. What do I do?

G: Fix it.

C; Okay, I know how to do that.

G: Good.

C: Bye.

G; Bye.

G: Okay, time for a snack. Let's see what do I have today? Mmm, mmm, mmm. A bright red car, my favorite!

Crunch Crunch!!!

The end.

Where Did All The Green Koalas Go?

by Ian, age 8, Massachusetts

Green koalas eat limes and turn green from eating them. Their favorite thing to do is hug watermelons. They live in groups, and the best one is named Lemon. Lemon is the best because he is the funniest. Like one time he swallowed a watermelon whole. He got so full that he exploded and shot up to the moon. He was ok. At first, he was alone, but then saw all his friends because they all swallowed watermelons and shot up to the moon just like him. Then they all saw that there were even more limes on the moon than on Earth. They started to eat all of them, and they planted trees. Lemon always climbed the moon trees and was very happy. He could still hug watermelons up there, but he didn't swallow them whole anymore. That's why we don't see green koalas on Earth anymore, and that's why green koalas are the best.


Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!


by Mateo, age 6, New York

"OK, should we buy these punsicles?"

"Yes, we should!"

"OK, let's do it. What flavor?"

"Joke flavor!"

"Good choice!"

"OK, let's eat them."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Let's tell jokes!"

"First one... why did the crab not share its toys? BECAUSE HE WAS SHELLFISH!"


"Next one... why did the duck go to the store? TO GET CHEESE AND QUACKERS!"


"Next one... what kind of cake does a mouse have for its birthday? CHEESECAKE!"


"Next one... what did the snowman say to the other snowman? Hey do you smell carrots?"


"Let's go to the doctor!"

"We're here at the doctor!"

"Hey!" (says the doctor) "You guys have been on the news telling too many jokes! Here have this anti-pun medicine!"

"Hey... why were we telling so many jokes?"

"I don't think we'll ever figure out why."

"I think we have to look it up on the news! Let's read the newspaper."

**Welcome to the Weekly News**

A dad and kid have eaten punsicles.

"So that's probably why."


Roll Call Stories

The Serious Eye

by Seth, age 5, Pennsylvania

And he went exploring in the forest. He bumped into a lion and he almost got eaten. But he just made a copy of himself and then he ended up in his rocket ship. But he accidentally crashed into an asteroid and fell down. Finally, he was safe on the ground but then he found a rhinoceros. He said “hello!” and then the rhinoceros kicked him right into a pond. A flock of honking geese that were startled ran towards him and he got pranked because one of them said if he played the harmonica he would get their gold, but then when he did they actually locked him in the dungeon. And he got eaten by a lion because there are lions in the dungeon.

Steve the Worm

by Betty and Val, California

It was a bright and sunny day! Jerry skipped into the bathroom and was right about to start spashing water on his face when he noticed something moving out of the corner of his eye. Slowly squishing along the edge of the toilet seat was a little pink worm. The worm looked perfectly happy just squirming along. "So Happy :)"  Jerry thought he heard the worm say. "I'm gonna name you steve! Now I smush you with my sleave!" exclamed Jerry to the worm. "Say what?" Jerry thought he heard it say. "steave, steave, steave" jerry said nodding "I could flush you down the toilet!". The worm tilted his head up, then down in disoproval. "Okay buddy" said steve in a high piched voice that was very hard to hear. Jerry ran out of the bathroom just noticing that the worm had been talking the whole time. "It talks!" he screamed on his way out. "Another day, another kid" Said steve the worm hopping towards the window. 


Song (we could not get it into the clips below we wrote it just for fun) : 

ttttttthhhhhhhhheeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeessss  aaaa 

worm on my toilet (pause)

his names steve 

Steve, Steve, Steveeeeee

your about to meet my sleve.

The Serious Eye

by Seth, age 5, Pennsylvania

And he went exploring in the forest. He bumped into a lion and he almost got eaten. But he just made a copy of himself and then he ended up in his rocket ship. But he accidentally crashed into an asteroid and fell down. Finally, he was safe on the ground but then he found a rhinoceros. He said “hello!” and then the rhinoceros kicked him right into a pond. A flock of honking geese that were startled ran towards him and he got pranked because one of them said if he played the harmonica he would get their gold, but then when he did they actually locked him in the dungeon. And he got eaten by a lion because there are lions in the dungeon.

Writer’s Block

by Victor, age 8, South Australia

The Superhero Who Didn't Know How to Save

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

The Superhero Who Didn’t Know How to Save

by Naomi, age 7, Minnesota

THE NEWS: There are asteroids heading for Enkebob City. But never fear, a superhero will save the day

“SIGH I wish I was a hero.”

Boom. Smash. Chikaraka.

“Jack, we need you to be a superhero for us.”

“Ok, but I do not know how to save!”

“It’s okay, we will teach you.”


“Come on, let’s go Jack.”

“But I …”

“Come on, there’s nothing to be scared of. Let’s go!”

“Ummmm, okay.”

“Boom, owww”

“Are you ok?”

“No, I’m not okay because I do not know how to save.”

“But we taught you … oh we forgot. We are sorry. Will you forgive us?”

“Yes, I will.”

“Ok, let’s go teach Jack how to save and give him special powers.”

“Yeah, let’s go, but the city is already wrecked.”

“We could give him fixing powers!!!”

“But when can I go home?”

“In one year!”
“How about two years?”

“Yeah, let’s go!”


Roll Call Stories

The Serious Eye

by Seth, age 5, Pennsylvania

And he went exploring in the forest. He bumped into a lion and he almost got eaten. But he just made a copy of himself and then he ended up in his rocket ship. But he accidentally crashed into an asteroid and fell down. Finally, he was safe on the ground but then he found a rhinoceros. He said “hello!” and then the rhinoceros kicked him right into a pond. A flock of honking geese that were startled ran towards him and he got pranked because one of them said if he played the harmonica he would get their gold, but then when he did they actually locked him in the dungeon. And he got eaten by a lion because there are lions in the dungeon. 

Lion, rocket ship, asteroid, rhinoceros, pond, geese, harmonica, dungeons.

Steve the Worm

by Betty and Val, California

It was a bright and sunny day! Jerry skipped into the bathroom and was right about to start spashing water on his face when he noticed something moving out of the corner of his eye. Slowly squishing along the edge of the toilet seat was a little pink worm. The worm looked perfectly happy just squirming along. "So Happy :)"  Jerry thought he heard the worm say. "I'm gonna name you steve! Now I smush you with my sleave!" exclamed Jerry to the worm. "Say what?" Jerry thought he heard it say. "steave, steave, steave" jerry said nodding "I could flush you down the toilet!". The worm tilted his head up, then down in disoproval. "Okay buddy" said steve in a high piched voice that was very hard to hear. Jerry ran out of the bathroom just noticing that the worm had been talking the whole time. "It talks!" he screamed on his way out. "Another day, another kid" Said steve the worm hopping towards the window. 


Song (we could not get it into the clips below we wrote it just for fun) : 

ttttttthhhhhhhhheeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeessss  aaaa 

worm on my toilet (pause)

his names steve 

Steve, Steve, Steveeeeee

your about to meet my sleve.

Writer’s Block

by Victor, age 8, South Australia

The Baby Who Never Grew

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

The Baby Who Never Grew

by Charlie, age 7, Florida

Me: "I am going to the store to get food. Is that easy or what? I can get some cookies and a pie. Oh is she pretty.... Should I ask if I could marry her? Yes! I am going to marry her."
Me: "Hey, can I marry you?"
Sheila: "Yes! I will marry you!"
Me: "What is your phone number?"
Sheila: "555-976-6500. And what is your phone number?"
Me: "555-099-1133. We will marry tomorrow!"
Sheila: "OK, got it! Wait, what place will we marry at?"
Me: "Good question! Um, um, um... Apple Tree Park!"
Sheila: "OK, got it. And what time?"
Me: "7:00 pm!"
Sheila: "OK, got it. Bye!"
Me: "Oh yeah, I am getting married!"

One day later:

Me: "OK, got my tuxedo on! All right. Hop in the car. Start the engine. Drive...drive... and I'm here! OK, here comes the guy who marries us!"
Officiant: "Are you sure you want to marry this person?"
Me and Sheila: "Yes, Yes!"
He marries us.
Me and Sheila: "We are married!"

One day later:

Me: "Hey, what woke me up? Wait. Is that a baby??!!"
Baby: "Goo goo ga ga!"
Me: "Wake up, Sheila! Wake up!"
Sheila: "I am up! Whoa. Is that a baby?"
Me: "Yep!"
Sheila: "Well, if we have a baby then we have to do the right thing."
So, we feed the baby, give the baby a nap, and change the baby's diaper.
Me: "We have been doing this for 10 years!"
Sheila: "I guess we have a baby who never grows up!"

Roll Call Stories

Oh No, I Can Only Say ‘Blah Blah Blah

by Alaska, age 10, Tennessee

One day I was feeling grumpy so I decided to only say blah blah blah. Well it turns out this was not such a good idea.I was in my classroom when my teacher asked me a question i said “blah blah blah” but when my teacher asked me again i couldn't answer it in normal words. “Blah blah blah” I said again, this time trying to form words. But I couldn't. I was caught in a blah blah blah trap.oh no i had just remembered tomorrow i had to give a speech in front of the whole class. I rushed to the bathroom trying to wash the blah blah blah out of my mouth but it wasn’t working. “blah blah blah” I grumbled. Just then the nurse rushed into the room. “Who has the blah blah blahs?” she said . “blah” I said gloomy. She sighed and mumbled “Why”. I looked up at her sadly. She told me to open my mouth. I was afraid but opened my mouth. She pulled out a pair of tweezers [or as I like to say scary pinchers] and put them down my throat.When the tweezers came back out they were holding a blah blah blah monster! “So that was the problem” I remarked.


Lennwer, John, and the Villain

by Isaac, age 8, Maryland

Why Frogs Have Moisturized Skin

by Eleanor, age 9, Wisconsin

One beautiful morning in a sparkling blue lake in 1989, surrounded by trees and a part of the lake filled with frogs. One of these frogs was called Buddy. Buddy was a bit cheeky, kind and an A+ student. One day, Buddy was swimming through a patch of coral, and then he saw a big green thing, and before he knew it he was swimming away as fast as he could go. He turned back and saw it lunging for him. He dodged once and twice before he knew it he was forced to be sucked of all his moisture. He ran home to tell the others. His mom said “oh what nonsense.” His dad said “oh get a grip.”His younger brother said “great story.” He had no one else to turn to, so he swam towards the alligator’s mouth and tried to yank one of its teeth out, but it didn’t work. So he swam home and went to bed. In the morning, he swam up to the surface and poked his head out of the water, but it stung to not have his moisture. He lunged back into the water and felt better and decided to go back and fight. Three minutes pass. He swam into the alligators mouth and wrenched a tooth out. The alligator yelled in pain and regurgitated his moisture. He swam towards his moisture and caught it and swam home. From that day on, all frogs never go by alligators. The moral of the story is be brave, trust yourself, and that’s why frogs have moisturized skin! The end!