Being Famous

Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!

Being Famous

by Amelia, age 10, New Hampshire



Mrs. Robin


Random Man On The Street

Random Man On The Street’s dad



People down on the street

Sky King

Hailey: (Grumbling and muttering)(Looks up) Oh! Hi! I didn’t notice you there. Sorry, I’m just listening to my teacher’s famous one-thousand page novel, “Andy Goes to School”. She’s famous. So is everyone else in my class. Well, except me.

Mrs. Robin: Hailey! Are you paying attention? Andy is just confiding in his mother his fears about kindergarten! This is a very important part!!!

Hailey: Sorry, Mrs. Robin! I’ll pay attention now!

(Fast-forward sound)

Hailey: OK, it’s three hours later. I’m back at home now, and in my room. OK, so everyone in my class is famous except for me. I really want to be famous, too! I’ll be the most famous of them all.

Dad: ( From downstairs) Hailey, it’s time for you to go outside! Thirty-one minutes today, get some fresh air!

Hailey: Dad! Why can’t I have just thirty minutes as usual?! Come on!!!

Dad: Because I need time for a dance break during all my writing. Come on, get outside!

(Fast-forward sound)

Hailey: OK, so I’m outside. One extra minute should give me enough time to go for a walk, so here we go! Walking, walking along…

Narrator: As Hailey was walking along, she saw a random man on the street and decided to say hi.

Hailey: Hi, random man on the street! What’s your name?

Random Man On The Street: My name? You just said it.

Random Man On The Street, pleased to meet you. You can call me RMOTS. Say, would you like some sunglasses?

Hailey: Why thank you, RMOTS! That would be nice!

(Thunder rumbles. Lightning cracks.)

Narrator: Looks like rain, ha ha! OK, back to the story.

Hailey: How much do they cost?

Random Man On The Street: Oh, they’re free.

(Laughs maniacally under his breath)

Random Man On The Street’s Dad: RMOTS, are you pranking people again?

Random Man On The Street: No, Dad! I’m not pranking!

Hailey: Lalala, walking away… Oh! I’d better put on the glasses!

(Puts on the glasses)

(Transformation sound: only slightly different from fast-forward sound)

Hailey: Oh! What happened? Why is everything so small? Why am I so hot? Are those big flaming balls of gas?

People down on the street: Wow, that was a fast storm! The sun’s so bright today!

Hailey: Why are they looking at me? Wait… I THINK I’M THE SUN! What happened?

Moon(distantly) The sunglasses… The sunglasses…

Hailey: Ugh! The sunglasses! Curse you, RMOTS!

Moon(Getting closer) The sunglasses… The sunglasses…

Hailey: Wait. Is that… the Moon?

People in the street: Wait. The Sun and the Moon are in the sky at the same time?

Hailey: Oh, quiet down, people.

People in the street:(Pause for a second. Then start screaming.) THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN END! THE SUN TALKS!

Hailey. Wow. It’s getting really… hot… here…

Moon… I… know… the… cure…

Hailey: Moon! You have to tell me!

Moon: The… sunglasses…

Hailey: Yes, I know the sunglasses are turning me into the sun, but what’s the cure?

Narrator: And as Hailey was going through all of this, she was realizing something. This was what being famous was like! She was the sun, and the sun was something everyone knew!

Hailey: Come on, what’s the CURE!?

Moon: OK, Ok! I was just being dramatic, sheesh! ( Clears throat)

The cure is…

Sky King: Come on, you two, get back to work!

Moon: Yes, Sky King! Bye, Hailey!

Hailey: Wait! What’s the cure?

Moon: The sunglasses… the sunglasses…

Hailey: (Groans) I’ll never get the cure now!

Hailey: Oh, these sunglasses are dirty. I’ll take them off and clean them. (Takes sunglasses off)

(Transformation sound)

Hailey: Oh, hi RMOTS! Wait… I’m human again! Whoop-whoop! I HATE YOU RMOTS!!! YAY!!!

Narrator: And they all lived happily ever after. The end!

Roll Call Stories

A Time We Can Only Imagine

by Goldie, age 10, Oregon

Diff-u-ball (pronounced "diff-uh-ball")

by Rudy, age 6, Canada

Once upon a time there was a family that loved potato chips. One day, a yeti burst through their door and said “Can I have some potato chips?” The family said no, but then all of them at the same time said “are you a yeti?”

And they all fainted.

And then the yeti went over to the cupboard and stole all the packages of potato chips, even the barbecue flavour. He hated that flavour.

Then, he made a trail of ice and went to Pluto. When the family woke up, the yeti was gone and they had completely forgotten that they loved potato chips. They went to the cupboard to make a snack, but the cupboard was empty. They were all surprised. They looked in the fridge and there was still nothing there.

On Pluto, the yeti was showing the potato chips to all the other yetis, especially Bob. Bob was his best friend, and he loved the barbecue flavour. That’s why the yeti took that flavour when he was back at the house.

Back on Earth, the grandparents were building a spaceship, because they were the only ones who saw what really happened. They lived next-door. A couple days later the spaceship was done. They brought it over to the other house and begged the family to get inside. The family was saying “no” because they didn’t actually remember what happened. Finally, they got inside, but the grandparents didn’t actually know which planet the yeti went to.

So they tried every planet, except the dwarf planets. They were like “the yeti must have gone back to Earth.”

Then they saw a white shape on Pluto, but they were like “that must have just been a star.” They started heading back to Earth, but then they heard talking, and they hurried to Pluto. The parents saw the yeti and they were really scared because they didn’t remember that they saw this yeti before. Then the grandparents and the parents got chased off of Pluto. The grandparents didn’t know what to do about this, so they tried disguising themselves to look like yetis, because they already have white hair.

Then they tried it again, and the yetis didn’t seem to think they were suspicious at all. The grandparents asked “why did you steal the family’s potato chips?”

Then the yetis were like “that’s what yetis do,” and since yetis had super great smell, they smelled that the grandparents were actually humans in costumes. The yeti actually tugged on the grandparents’ real hair. He moved his hand a little bit sideways and tugged off the real mask. Then the grandpa said “hey let’s just be friends.”

The yeti said “I’ve never actually thought of that before.” And they went back to Earth and became friends. The family eventually became friends with the yeti too and shared their potato chips.


Cheese Land

by Lorelai, age 7, Georgia

Once there was a place called Cheese Land. Everything was made out of cheese. The whole country was made of cheese. If you went up to outer space, the Cheese Land looked yellow.

BUT their problem was RATS! RATS! And more RATS! IT attracted giant rats and it kept eating Cheese Land. The rats kept eating more cheese! And more cheese! Eventually the Cheese country was gone.

Until there was Cheese Rat! “I am Cheese Rat! I am here to save you! I build everything out of CHEESE!”

He built up so much cheese and put up a big “NO RATS ALLOWED” sign. He even put up a force field that kept out all the rats. If a rat ran into the force field, it would bounce off it.

And Cheese Land lived happy every after.