Season 6 has ended, but we’re releasing a new story every week. Creator Club members can listen to new stories one week early + enjoy our full catalog of bonus episodes and individual songs and stories from all of our episodes!
Blue Jay Pizza
by Jolee, age 8, New York
It’s a sunny day in Italy. There was a pizza shop, it was very good. The chef’s name is Mario. He had a secret ingredient; it was to have fun and take your time. There was a blue jay. The blue jay smells the pizza every day. He loves the pizza. One day he swooped and took the pizza out of Marios hand. His claws grabbed the pizza and it smashed into the waiter’s face. Then Mario was on his knees crying hysterically. All of the customers were staring at Mario.
Mario got his apron and threw it on the floor and said “I quit!” Then everyone was crying because the pizza was so good. Mario said “if this happens one more time, I quit!”. The bird was lured out with hot and fresh pizza.
Every day the Blue jay came back for breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside the pizzeria.
Roll Call Stories
Bubble Hiccups
by Riley, age 7, Florida
The Big Fat Cake Contest Story
by Daniel, age 8, Honduras
The Strawberry Who Was Freeze Dried
by Lucille, age 10, Louisiana
Narrator: Once upon a time there was a strawberry, and that strawberry was not very red or juicy or sweet. This strawberry was pale and dry and sour and very small. Nobody wanted to eat this strawberry so she was sad all of the time.
Strawberry: No one wants to eat me. The only thing I can really do is watch T.V.
T.V. : bleep
News caster: Hello everybody today I am here with the creator of the freeze dried strawberry. We need you guys to find the palest the driest the sourest the smallest strawberry you can find so that Mr.Marks can make more freeze dried strawberries for everyone to enjoy.
Strawberry: WHAT!!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I need to be freeze dried, I’ll be the coolest strawberry ever. But how will I get to the science lab with these tiny legs?
Strawberry: shush bus I am trying to think of a way to get to the science lab fast…
That's it, I will take the bus!!!
Bus: vroooooom
Strawberry: finally I’m here.
Hello are you Mr.Marks
Mr.Marks: yes, are you ready to be freeze dried
Strawberry: yes! Very ready
Mr.Marks: Ok hop in this box and I will turn it on
Strawberry: Ok turn it on.
Oh it is getting hot in here,very hot in here! AAAHHH! THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!!!!!
No strawberries were harmed in the making of this podcast.