Weird Sisters (feat. Stephanie Hsu and Monique Moses)

Weird Sisters

by 9-year-old Evalea, Missouri

In calofna there was these to sisters named weird and weirder they where so wacky they would put there clothes backwards and would speak gibressh they would say to each other “hfsbfvwefwfywegfuyegfuge” and would alway know what they said and at school they would always get picked on and they would not care and one day a kid named jullie said to them “why are you so weird i want to be weird” they said “then be weird” “but i am scared of being picked one how do you guys deal with this” “well we guest do not care what people say” “ oh when you say it like that i think i can do it” and the next day she went to school with her pants on backwards and said to the weird sisters “ifeibugfeowgfbewfh oh i feel ricdouls” “you got this” said the weird sisters but befor she could say anything a kid came over and said “you are so weird” and they all said “WE DO NOT CARE!!!!”

Song Credits:

Our adaptation of “Weird Sisters” is composed by Monique Moses, produced by Eric Gersen and Brendan O’Grady, and associate produced by Jack Mitchell and Sam Bair.

Eric Gersen (beat/synths, keyboards)
Singers: Stephanie Hsu (Weirder), Monique Moses (Weird), Jamie Watson, Eric Austin, Mike Cabellon

Listen to Weird Sisters on Spotify. The Story Pirates · Song · 2021.