Expressions…Or Not!

What if expressions started coming to life whenever we said them? Would that be fun? Or…weird? Find out in today’s brand new story, written by a 10 year from Idaho named Rhetta.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

Expressions… Or Not!

by Betty, age 10, UK

Have you ever wondered what would happen if expressions came true? Well, welcome to my life!

I live on 0101 Drive, in the town of North South. (Which, by the way, is on the East/West coast).

Everywhere I go, expressions are coming true! Like the time Mom said, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” Then the clock starting growing wings and it flew out the door! Or, before my big performance, when Dad said “break a leg!” We had to call and ambulance after that!

When we moved where from Idaho about 2 years ago, I just thought it was a normal town. I went to school and I played sports. Until one day at school, I did a book presentation ending with “And that’s my book in a nutshell.” That was when my book shrunk and was enclosed in a walnut shell. Soon after, I realized that every expression or saying I said came true!

I think that’s all I have to say- cat got my tongue. Oh no! Ahhhhhh!

Click to Read Original Stories from Other Episodes.

Roll Call Stories

Sorry, did you hear me wrong?

by Thomas, age 9, Washington

I’m a banana. Sorry, did you hear me wrong? I’m a chicken-banana. Sorry, did you hear me wrong? I’m a baby chicken-banana. Sorry, did you hear me wrong? I’m a goo-goo ga-ga baby chicken-banana. Sorry, did you hear me wrong? I’m an explosive goo-goo ga-ga baby chicken-banana. Sorry, did you hear me wrong? I’m a two-headed explosive goo-goo ga-ga baby chicken-banana. Sorry, did you hear me wrong? I’m alive.

Georgie the Carrot's Amazing Adventure of Candy

by Isadora, age 6, New Hampshire

Once upon a time there was a Carrot. The carrot was named Georgie. The Georgie Carrot went to a fireplace. The fireplace had chocolate filled marshmallows in it! So he ate the fireplace and the rocks blocked him from eating the fire, but he ate it any ways. And when he ate the fire he said, “I think I should eat a cinnamon roll.” So he ate a cinnamon roll. Then, since Georgie the carrot loves candy, he ate all the candy in the world, from the state of Georgia to China. And when he finished eating all the candy in the world, he took a big burp, “eee-uuuk,” and then when he finished burping, he went and he took a big nap and then just went to sleep and then he woke up and ate every single marshmallow in the world. And then, the next morning he lost a tooth because of the candy, and he got a tooth pillow.

The End!

Ah! What Is Happening?!

by Liam, age 7, California

One day this happened. A giant portal appeared in the sky and an alien ship came out, plus a bunch of monsters too! The they tried to take over the world. Only one super hero stood up and fought the battle for humanity. It wasn't looking good for SuperMegaAwesome Guy. But then everything disappeared because the power went out! It was a movie the whole time.