story pirates podcast

The Throne That Blasted Off/The Book Worm

Grab a hotdog, put on a hat and get ready to sit around and wait for pitchers to warm up, because the Story Pirates have got baseball fever! Featuring two new stories: “The Throne That Blasted Off,” a story about a royal chair that travels into space to save the kingdom, written by Judah, an 8 year old from Michigan, and “The Book Worm,” about a tiny visitor to the library who is a voracious reader, i mean, eater, written by a 10 year old from New York named Liana.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

The Throne That Blasted Off

by Judah, age 8, Michigan

Once upon a time there was a king named Percy. Now the Queen (Percy's wife) didn't like him because she was secretly an alien and thought humans were ugly. One day, she snuck and made the king's throne into a rocket ship and covered it in a blanket. The next day, the king woke up. "Ahh, what a wonderful day! I'm just gonna sit on my throne." So he did. He put his arm on the arm rest. All the sudden, he felt something. His throne started shaking so much that he fell off. When he tried to get back on his throne it wasn't there! It had blasted off to outer space without him. In space there was a UFO and in that UFO was an alien. The alien found the throne and put it in his ship to be his new chair. Then he sat on it and put his arm on the arm rest. Suddenly, it blasted off back to earth. On earth, the king was busy looking for his missing throne in the dungeon. The throne fell right on the king. The queen saw the alien sitting on the throne and said, "You look much better than a human! Dreamy! Marry me please?" And the aliens lived happily ever after.

The Book Worm

by Liana, age 10, New York

So, I want to tell you about this crazy time that I learned that you can do more with books than eat them! One day, I was at the library restaraunt and I went to the picture book section, because I wasnt that hungry and I wanted a smaller meal. I was eating this book that had the most marvelous was about a hotdog, I think, because it tasted exactly like a hotdog. Suddenly, I felt that I was being lifted higher and higher, and then I saw a small human over me. His face looked surprised, and he dropped the book with a sudden thump. Then he picked it up again and said "Mr. Worm, why are you eating this book? It's my favorite book." "Oh, so you like the library restaraunt as well?" I asked "Have you tried the history books? They're delicious. Or maybe try the fantasy books, over easy." The boy looked confused for a second, and then laughed, and said "Don't you know books are for reading?" I was confused, and asked what was reading. The boy said that reading is when you look at words and understand what they mean and they tell a story. He told me I could read the rest of the story that I had not yet eaten. So I went to a page that wasnt eaten. Wait, I can't read. The end.

Click to Read Original Stories from Other Episodes.

Roll Call Stories

The Pool of Straw [2 versions]

by David, age 6, Oregon

The Pool of Straw v 1.0
by David (age 6)

Let me tell you the story. Once upon a time there was a pool. It was full of water. Well, is that water? No. It’s straw. This pool isn’t a pool at all. It’s the mouth of a gigantic monster, full of straw. But the kids in the house where it lays in the backyard of thought it was a pool. And got eaten. The end.

The Pool of Straw v 2.0
by David (age 6)

Once upon a time there was a pool of water. Then some aliens came. And used their dry ray to dry it up. And used their straw ray to fill it up with straw because they were kind aliens and they knew the people who lived in that house were farmers. And they also used their other pool ray to turn their straw holder into a pool of water. The end.

My Pet Nose

by Bonnie, age 9, New Zealand

Attack of the Manic

by Arlo, age 8, Washington

The Tooth Fairy Room Mate

 If you think you know everything about the tooth fairy, today’s brand new story has some big surprises in store for you. Written by two siblings in Canada, 9 year old Duncan and 7 year old Scotia. 

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

The Tooth Fairy Room Mate

by Duncan, age 9, and Scotia, age 7, Canada

The tooth fairy is assigned to your family. If your family moves, she moves with you. The tooth fairy lives in your house. She lives in the vents of your house. When she collects your teeth she decorates the vents with them. The vents are full of teeth. Teeth that belong to all the people who have lived in your house. On Halloween the tooth fairy cracks the teeth open and puts lights inside them. Then, she strings them up as her decorations; like Christmas lights but for halloween.

The tooth fairy is named Julia Alyssa. There is one rule for the tooth fairy - she can’t take teeth that have cavities. The family Julia is assigned to has too many cavities. The family has so many cavities because the kids eat too much sugar.

Julia tries writing the parents a note. It says “Give those kids some fruits! Make sure they brush and floss their teeth!!”. But, the parents don’t listen! The cavities keep coming.

Julia has to take drastic measures. She starts brushing the kids’ teeth at night. One of the kids, John, closes his mouth and Julia gets stuck!! John sneezes a huge sneeze and spits Julia out. He wakes up and says ‘I almost swallowed a fly!!!” The other kid, Jennifer starts to wake up too, because her brother is so loud.

Julia decides she’s had enough. She has to tell John and Jennifer what’s up!!

“I am not a fly! Don’t call me a fly! That is rude. I am a professional tooth fairy! You need to brush your teeth! You need to floss! You need to eat some veggies! Or, I can’t do my job! Cavities me NO MONEY FROM THE TOOTH FAIRY!!!”

John and Jennifer lose their minds “MOM DAD! THIS FLY CAN LITERALLY TALK!!”

Julia says ‘That’s it! I quit” and flies back to her tooth condominium. SHe’s had enough of spoiled kids. She decides to retire as a tooth fairy: and moves to Las Vegas where she becomes a dental hygienist.


Roll Call Stories

The Famous Streetlight

by Sloane, age 8, California

Once upon a time there was a streetlight that could talk. It loved saying “Hello!” to people driving in their cars. One day it started raining onto the streetlight and the streetlight was still happy. The next day the streetlight felt a bit weird and a few seconds later the streetlight grew legs and arms! But now the streetlight felt proud of himself. The next day people started taking pictures of the streetlight. So, he became the most famous streetlight in the whole world! And from now on everyone loved the streetlight! But the streetlight made friends named Bob jerry and tom. And with the streetlight's legs and arms he plays with his friends all day long!

Museum: of imaginary stuff

by Gabe, age 5, North Carolina


Cows That Make Meows

by River, age 8, Australia


The White Color Box/The Villain Who Couldn’t Villain (feat. Britt Lower and Ana Egge)

Baby With a Mustache is adopted by a giant chihuahua (Britt Lower). Featuring two new stories: “The White Color Box,” a song about animals working together to solve a problem, featuring special guest Ana Egge and written by Bihann, a 7 year old from Ontario, and “The Villain Who Couldn’t Villain,” a story about a villain who decides to seek out a healthier work environment, written by an 8 year old from Oregon named Henry. 

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

The White Color Box (feat. Ana. Egge)

by Bihaan, age 7, Canada

Our adaptation of “The White Color Box” was written by Ana Egge and produced by Jack Mitchell

The Villain Who Couldn’t Villain

by Henry, age 8, Oregon

Once upon a time there was a dark & spooky castle. In the castle lived an evil villain. He was tall and villainous... Well, actually, he wasn't very tall, just 2ft. And he wasn't very villainous or evil. He aspired to be a villain, but the most villainy thing he's ever done is not letting a kind into his ballpit.

He tries to be villainy, but in the end he is just a hero. Let me tell you the story.

Once there was a big city. There was suddenly a dark cloud of smoke for no apparent reason. when the smoke cleared, the people saw a smoke bomb lying on the ground, and 3 of the most sinister villains.

One was the sorceress, wearing black robes and carrying a staff that promised imminent doom.

The second was the beast, furry and striped like a tiger, with razor sharp teeth that could cut through iron like butter.

The third was the robot. Taller than a skyscraper, it could blast rays from its hands,

The superheroes — the Tower Twins, who could grow to the size of towers and wore light green costumes - and the Crimson Cannonball, with his scarlet cape, flying at the speed of light - they were no match for the villains.

The Villain who couldn't villain was watching from above. He decided to join the villain team, but they say to him, "you're just too small and weak. Go back to preschool, small fry." That hurt the Villain who couldn't
Villain's feelings greatly & he decided to join the hero team instead. The Villain Who Couldn't Villain's power was he could turn invisible. The heroes welcomed him in, and w/them he turned invisible, went over to the robot, climbed up his massive metal bulk, and unscrewed his control panel.

It fell open and almost knocked him off. Not knowing what he was doing, he switched wires, pressed buttons, and turned switches.
He also pulled levers and wiggled around
beepies and boppies. He then pressed
"submit" & jumped off. The robot suddenly started doing a terrible representation of the Chicken Dance while simultaneously punching his face and malfunctioning.

One down, two to go.

He next went over to the sorceress and turned her diamond on top of her staff upside down. Then he turned visible and said, "OK sorceress let’s fight!" She wanted and readied her staff. Suddenly, a bolt of energy coursed through her and she lay dead as a doornail.

Next up, the beast. He turned invisible again. He knew he couldn’t beat this gigantic pile of fur, teeth, and danger by fighting, so he tied together the beast's shoelaces. The next time the beast tried to take another thundering step that would shake mountains, he tripped! He was so big and bulky that he fell so hard he cracked his head open.

The new Hero Who Couldn’t Villain was reigned a hero!

The End

Click to Read Original Stories from Other Episodes.

Roll Call Stories

The Evil Shapeshifting Piece of Toast

by Jonah, age 6, Arizona

Once there was a little town and a good warrior lived there and on the other side of the town, an evil shapeshifting piece of toast lived in a cave. Nobody knew that he had an evil scheme. When the good warrior met with the shapeshifting piece of toast, he shapeshifted into his twin brother. He did not know that the shapeshifting piece of toast had locked his brother in the dungeon. Then when he revealed himself, he made an epic battle with the piece of toast. It went on for six hundred years. In the end the good warrior toasted him over the fire with his spear. The End.

Bad Chair

by Sylvie, age 10, Australia


I took a photo of a chair with hard armrests, and this is my story.

Dad: Honey! It’s time to go to school!

Sylvie: Okay Dad!

*Sylvie tries to walk out door*


Sylvie: Owww…owchi…

Chair: Mwahaha!

Dad: Oh no! Sylvie, are you okay?

Sylvie: Yeah, but this chair is evil!

Dad: Oh no! How will we stop it?!

Sylvie: The same thing we always do when a chair turns evil!

Dad: Which is…?

Sylvie: We tie it to a wall and feed it cheese! Duh!

Dad: Okay!

*Dad ties chair to the wall*

Sylvie: I got the cheese!

*Sylvie pushes cheese into chairs mouth*

Chair: Noooo! I’m sorry! I’ll be good! Just please stop!

Dad & Sylvie: Okay!

The end!

The turtle who ran for president

by Jude, age 12, Florida

Once there was a turtle, but this was not a normal turtle. No, this turtle ran for president! One day he was getting ready for his first debate, but because he was turtle he was super, super slow. So slow, he missed the debate!

But not just the debate, he missed the whole presidential term!! Finally, he made it to the debate. But it was 7 years later. Later on, he was elected and became the first animal president. The end.

Chicken Hat/Rock and Roll Dining Room

The Story Pirates become obsessed with a video game called Jellybean Simulator. Featuring two new stories, “Chicken Hat,” the story about a girl who decides to wear a certain hat…forever, written by Éowyn, a 10 year old from Oregon, and “Rock and Roll Dining Room,” a story about the world’s greatest rock band made out of furniture, written by a 12 year old from Florida named Beckett.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

Chicken Hat

by Éowyn, age 10, Oregon


mom: lulu clean your room and find stuff to sell at the garage sale

lulu: ok mom, lets see i’ll sell this chicken hat im going to try it on before I put it in the sell bag,

ok i'll just put it on and wait I don't want to sell this chicken hat i'm going to wear it forever!

the next morning

mom: lulu time for school

lulu: ok mom

mom: why are you still wearing that chicken hat

lulu: because I'm never taking it off

a few years later

mom: lulu it's been three years since you put on the chicken hat and your still wearing it take it


lulu: NEVER!

100 years later

lulu: and that's the story of how I got my chicken hat

the end

Rock and Roll Dining Room

by Beckett, age 12, Florida

One apom a time there was a band called the rock and roll chairs it was made up of a bunch of chairs made of old electric guitars

with flames on them

One time they had a concert for their hit song pretzel juice it goes like this “PRETZEL JUICE! ITS JUICE FROM A PRETZEL! OH YEA!”

And everyone loved them but then a new band of tables called the rock and roll tables made a new song but it had the same lyrics but a different tune and everyone loved it more than the original

The rock and roll chairs were so angry that one of them EXPLODED!!!

So the lead singer Mr. Sitonme went to the the tables and said “Hey you stole our song”. “Oh we just really like your song so we tried to make it better so you would notice us we are huge fans of you” said the lead singer of the band Dude Putyourfoodonme. “Oh ok well what if we work together” said Mr. Sitonme. “Ok” said the rock and roll tables.

So they worked together and was therefore known as the rock and roll dining room and made the song pretzel juice better than ever before and the also became the best band of inanimate objects ever in existence


Click to Read Original Stories from Other Episodes.

Roll Call Stories


by Charlotte, age 11, California

There once was a duck named bean. But, bean loved bread so when the annual duck fest came around bean brought bread. But, no one wanted it so they kicked him out. So Bean slowly walked home crying, he was so sad when he got home he flopped down on his porch “nobody liked bread” he cried. Later he got into bed, still sad. In his dream he woke up on on an egg “where am i”? He asked “you are here” said a strawberry. Then at the very end of the egg a shining bread appeared and he grabbed it. The next morning he woke to screaming and as he looked out of the window he saw ducks running from the evil bread “don't yell” said the mayor. “ I have to do something," Bean thought. So he ran to his pantry and grabbed a loaf of bread, and egg. Then he cut a hole into the bread and cracked the egg into it.”STOP!!” Bean yelled and then he threw the egg toast at the bread. “Noooooooooooooooo!!!!” the evil bread yelled “ eggs shouldn’t mix with bread…”. And then Bean and the other ducks ate bread, maybe too much because they became bread.

THE END bread

The adventures of Charlamain the Squirrel

by Sebastien, age 10, Minnesota

Once upon a time there was a squirrel name Charlamain who lived in a toaster under the stove on a fishing boat. He went fly fishing every day for 7 years and then he caught a fish blaster that launched gumballs. One day while he fished a giant penguin named cooper started eating his boat. Charlamain exclaimed enough cooper. The vessel on which you are eating is my own. Cooper replied but I have hunger. Then charlamain paused and recalled the blaster he had recovered earlier. Then he shouted please stand by and proceeded to launch countless gumballs into the gaping maw of the giant penguin. Cooper said please no disgusting four year old gumballs. I like potato chips. OK said Charlamain here are some potato chips. Yummy said cooper. (Insert very loud munching noises) Thank you said cooper. Your welcome said Charlamain. Lets go to Addis Ababa the capitol of Ethiopia. Sure said cooper. Lets go said Charlamain. The end.

How to Make a Banana Upside Down Cake

by Zoe, age 8, Pennsylvania

First, make a banana cake. Then, flip it upside down. Third, smash your face into it. Fourth, then tell your mom that you definitely did not smash your face into a banana upside down cake. Fifth, get your dog to clean your face off so that your mom doesn’t know you did smash your face into a banana upside down cake.

The Werewolf in Missouri/Stinky Sock Versus Banana Peel (feat. Chloe Troast)

Peter’s mom (Chloe Troast) visits the Story Pirates. Featuring two new stories: “The Werewolf in Missouri,” a song about a lycanthrope who dreams of visiting the St. Louis Arch, written by Jack, an 8 year old from Wisconsin, and “Stinky Sock Versus Banana Peel,” a story about  high stakes competition to be the stinkiest thing possible, written by a 10 year old from New Jersey named Olivia.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

The Werewolf in Missouri

by Jack, age 8, Wisconsin


Our adaptation of The Werewolf in Missouri was written and produced by Eric Gersen with vocal direction by Jack Mitchell

Stinky Sock Versus Banana Peel

by Olivia, age 10, New Jersey

"Ahh...what a beautiful day. Time to meet my best friend Stinky Sock. Hi!" said Banana Peel. "Oh! Hi, Banana Peel, come sit. So, how is life?" said Stinky Sock. "ife is great and i just got a Banana Mobile," said Banana Peel. "Well, I got a new video game called Stinky Sock smells," said Stinky Sock. "Hey, that is not true. I smell worse!" said Banana Peel. "No, I do, it is even on the cover of the video game," said Stinky Sock." "I bet you made that game up," said Banana Peel. "Well, okay, I made it up but I am still smellier," said Stinky Sock. "Well, I am smellier-er," said Banana Peel. ""Hey, that is not even a word," said Stinky Sock. "Is too!" said Banana Peel. "Is not!" said Stinky Sock. "Is too!" said Banana Peel. "Is not!" said Stinky Sock. "Is too!" said Banana Peel. "Is NOT!" screamed Stinky Sock. "How about we go see Judge P?" said Banana Peel. "Well, I guess I can agree with that," said Stinky Sock. "Hello gentlemen," said Judge P. "So what is your problem?" Stinky Sock and Banana Peel said at the same time, "Stinky Sock/Banana Peel told me that he is the smelliest!" Judge P whistles. "How about you guys do rock, paper, scissors, shoot to decide who goes first?" "Ok!" Banana Peel and Stinky Sock said. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! Yay! I win," said Banana Peel. "Ok, Banana Peel, you go first," said Judge P. "So, Stinky Sock told me that he was stinkier than me but I am stinkier and it made me so made and sad, waaaaahhhhhhhh!" said Banana Peel. "Now Stinky Sock, it is your turn," said Judge P. "Well, Banana Peel told me that he is stinkier but I am stinkier and that made me devastated, wahhhhhhhhhhh!" said Stinky Sock. "Ok, ok, calm down, give me a couple of minutes to decide," said Judge P. Five minutes later, he said, "Ok, it was a hard decision but with my complicated math, I figured it out. So, Banana Peel, you are stinky and Stinky Sock, you are also stinky. You guys are equally stinky," said Judge P. "Let's have a stinky party and invite all of our stinky friends," said Banana Peel. "Yay!" said Stinky Sock.

Roll Call Stories

The Salami Wave

by Isaac, age 7, Indiana

CSSSSS... Yay the train to the cruise is here! (later) Toot toot! The cruise is leaving! Many hours passed. Leaving time! it's 3:30! Wait, did you hear that? .....shshshshshshSHSHHHSHSH!!!!!!! Oh no! It can't be... IT'S A SALAMI WAVE! "Ha ha, you can't stop me!" "Nnnooooooooooooooo!" The wave is going to get the ship. There, the wave got smaller til it was as small as a hamste-dog-cat! The Salami Wave is gone! Hooray!


The Tree that Never Existed Because it was a Bush

by Alice, age 4, Iowa

A tree went to a river and accidentally fell in and fell apart. And then someone put him back together and then he fell apart again and that's it.

Cars GO!

by Orion, age 6, Pennsylvania

Once upon a time there was a race car that went super fast. An octopus was driving this car. The octopus had a beard. The octopus drove the car away to a gigantic pickle. The octopus got out of the car and hugged the giant pickle from space. Then another giant pickle came from space. The octopus hugged the other pickle too. Then both of the pickles went back to space but they took the octopus with them. The octopus rode the pickle into space. They landed on the moon. The race car also landed on the moon. Lots of other race cars landed on the moon. Then some octopuses came out of those race cars. All the octopuses said “GO CARS” and then the cars brought them to planet venus. An asteroid struck planet venus. One of the race cars broke the asteroid, blasting the pieces of the asteroid back into space. Then they landed back on planet earth. One of the octopuses got out of it’s car and went into it’s house. It came out of the house with a shovel in it’s tentacles. It dug a hole in the earth with it’s tentacles. The octopuses jumped into the hole. They yelled “Go CARS!” in the hole. Then they jumped out of the hole and drove their cars back to planet venus. THE END.


Today we have a brand new story for you that features lots of dogs and literally hundreds of barks. So many barks that you may ask yourself, “could they put in any more barks?” The answer is YES. Written by a 9 year old from Illinois named Paloma.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!


by Paloma, age 9, Illinois

Hello. Welcome to Doglandia. It’s the coolest place in the galaxy.

We’ve got dogs up high, we’ve got dogs down low, so come down to Doglandia, the coolest place in the galaxy.

We’ve got cool dogs. We’ve got shoe dogs. We have two dogs. And many, many more.

We’ve got ten dogs. We’ve got twenty dogs. We’ve got thirty dogs. We’ve got forty dogs. We’ve got fifty dogs. We have dogs all over the world.

So come on down to Doglandia. The coolest place in the galaxy.

We’ve got Spanish dogs. We’ve got English dogs. We have Indian dogs. We have Serbian dogs. We have French dogs. We have polyglot dogs.

Doglandia is where your dogs can rest. It’s where your dogs can eat. They can even have a house of their own. There is even a palace where the king lives. Guess who’s the king? Yah, you’re right, it’s me!

We’ve got spy dogs. We have high dogs. We’ve got my dogs. And yours.

So come on down to Doglandia. The coolest place in the galaxy.

The End


Roll Call Stories

The Everlasting Chickie Story

by Vivian, age 6, Massachusetts

How does the chicken lay its egg? Well, maybe this story will answer your questions. Once there was a hen named Henny. One day she was walking around with her hen friends until SPLAT onto ground! came an egg! Suddenly, it happened to all of her friends! Eggs were everywhere! All of the hens looked at them curiously and pecked them open and chicks came out! Then Santa appeared making everything more confusing for the frazzled hens. Then they all started cheering Christmas! Christmas! and then the baby chicks went SPLAT onto the ground! and laid even more small eggs! Then the hens put the chicks on their heads and the chicks put the smaller chicks on their heads and shouted Christmas! Christmas! Then the small chicks went SPLAT onto the ground! and laid more eggs. Then those chicks laid even more chicks which were very tiny and those chicks laid even more miniscule chicks and so on and so on until there were chicks so small you could not even see them!Then the humans noticed and joined in chanting Christmas! Christmas! The whole giant party started chanting Christmas! Christmas! even Santa and his reindeer. Next they hopped on Santas sled and flew around the world dropping Christmas lights on peoples houses and chanting Christmas! Christmas! And then they stopped by the house library and got a few houses and decorated them with Christmas lights. Finally they put the houses on their heads and chanted Christmas! Christmas! Until the whole world went to the North Pole and built houses and lived happily ever after toghether.

The Pinecone That Wanted to be a Cow Boy (Literally)

by Koby and Cyrus, Idaho


A Thanksgiving Story

by Maya, age 9, Delaware

Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving! I had no idea what the word meant, but it was everywhere! The farmer, his wife, their three children, everyone was talking about it! I decided to ask the farm car what it was and settle this. He broke into a fit of laughing when I asked.

“You’re such a turkey!” he howled.

I stared down at my feathers, beak, and tail.

“Well, you’re right about that,” I said, confused.

He was laughing too hard to talk now.

“Thanksgiving,” he said through his giggles, “is when they turkeys.”

My beak dropped open. I ran through the chicken coop and cow pen like a…well, like a turkey!

“What is up with you?” a cow said calmly.

“GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!” I screamed frantically.


“Okay, so…” I drew a line in the dirt. I was with my friend, the barn owl. “The hot chilis are here. I’m here. If I …”

“Those chilis are just way too hot,” my friend interrupted.

“That’s the plan!” I exclaimed. “These chilis are hot enough to blow me to the moon! I’ll come back after Thanksgiving.”

“Too hot,” the barn owl repeated.

“Well, I -”

“WAIT!” said the barn owl. “There’s one thing you should know!”

“No time!” I said, running towards the crops.

I plucked a plump pepper prestigiously. I stuffed it in my beak. “Gobble!” I shrieked. It was SO spicy! My feathers turned red, but I didn’t blow to the moon. The spice was what I was worried about now.


There was one last thing left to do. I had tried everything, from trampolines to gummy bears. I had to convince the farmer to eat something else. I stole a ham and cheese sandwich and carried it to the farmhouse’s front door. I rang the doorbell. The farmer’s wife answered.

“Hello?” she said.

I held out the sandwich in my beak.

“Oh, for me? Sorry, but we’re vegetarian.”


How to Make Grilled Peaches/Peanut Butter Smoothies (feat. Hannah Solow)

The Story Pirates meet a Wishing Wizard (Hannah Solow), resulting in a classic three wishes situation. Featuring two new stories: “How to Make Grilled Peaches,” a story about the wildest and weirdest recipe you’ve ever heard, written by Hanna, a 9 year old from New York, and “Peanut Butter Smoothies,” a story about a puppy who craves one delicious beverage over any other, written by a 9 year old from Vermont named Matilda.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

Peanut Butter Smothies

by Matilda, age 9, Vermont
(note: the story has a Puppy, but Matilda doesn’t know what the name of the Puppy is yet. So Puppy is the placeholder)

Doggles is a fast food restaurant for dogs. However, in this universe, dogs can drive (dogs take the place of humans).

Two huskies – Puppy and Dad – are at the drive through. (Mom is at a conference in San Fran-barkso).

The speaker clicks on: “Welcome to Doggles, what would you like?”

“Uuuu mmmmmmm,” says Dad.

“a kibble burger, and a peanut butter smoothie!” says Puppy.

“I’m the Dad – I order what I want you to get!”

“Oh, come on!”

“Can this little one please have a treat meal with um one small kibble burger and a ummm..”

“Nothing else?” says the speaker.

“And a bag of small treats.”

“Is that all? Anything for you?”

“Oh yes of course… I will take a salmon burger with a cup of peanut butter flavored water.” (he’s a dog – don’t mind the peanut butter flavored water)

“Coming right up!”

“Dad! I wanted a peanut butter smoothie!”

“Oh sorry, honey um…someone else needs to order, we need to go down to the next window.”

“Here’s your food!”

“Thank you here’s the money. Come on honey we need to get home.”

“Ok Daddy but next time can you get me the peanut butter smoothie?”

“We’ll see.”

“Ok Daddy.”

Later at their house after the finished their food….

“Honey, get in the car I am bringing you somewhere.”

“Where Daddy where?”

“It’s a surprise, come on.”

They are in the car for half an hour when… she says, “ On the way home from this, can you get me a peanut butter smoothie?”

Then she sees it. “Oh. My. GOD.” There is a big building with pillars at least as tall as two of their house put together in all different colors in rainbow order. (we know dogs are kind of sort of color blind, but we’re not sure how to deal with this particular scenario).

Puppy says, “Daddy, is this our stop?”

“Yes, honey.”

“What’s in there? What’s in there?”

“It’s a surprise of course.”

As they walk inside, she sees something almost magical. It looked like a playground, but it wasn’t exactly a playground.

So she gets on the big rainbow playground-looking thing, and then it exteeends up and stops abruptly at a cloud. She is still young, so she doesn't know that you can fall right through a cloud, so she starts to walk onto the cloud, and it is completely solid!!! So she sees this big table and tries to climb on it, but it extends, extends, extends exteeends! Once the table is extended, big, large stairs pop up to the top of the table. So she walks up the stairs that appear, and there is a big table of peanut butter smoothies!!!

And then her Dad came up and said, “Drink all you want.”

The Puppy says, “Wait, don’t say it, don’t say it!”

And then he screams: “The end.”

How to Make Grilled Peaches

by Hannah, age 9. New York

The first step to making grilled peaches is to take all the cushions off your couch. Next, you need to pull out the vampire grill. But obviously the vampire grill only works at night. So, if you want grilled peaches during the day, you need to do this.

First grill the peaches at night. Then, when they are ready put them in a container. After this, you are going to need to heat them back up. So, what you are going to need to do is 1) put your container full of grill peaches in the middle of your living room, 2) draw a demon circle around it, 3) you need to make sure the demon doesn't attack you so you need to use your sweater to cover your head and then rub flowers all over you so demon can't smell you. 4) ok, now you have warmed up the peaches. But in the process you burned your whole living room.

So, you need to go to the demon avoidance store. But you need to get demon dollars to spend. To get demon dollars, get an ordinary penny and rub it on your butt. Now, you need to get two flowers and poke holes in them to turn them into goggles. Then look at a candy store, it will turn into a demon avoidance store.

At the demon avoidance store, they need to know that the penny you turned into demon dollar is really a demon dollar, so you need to rub it on our butt again. Then go to the "Kioscooooba" (audio attached) and put your butt penny inside the Kioscooooa and exchange it for a demon dollar.

Now go to the living room replenishing aisle and get the living room replenishing spray but make sure it is the living room replenishing aisle, not the hall way replenishing aisle or the bathroom replenishing aisle. Go to the check out and pay using your demon dollar. Go home and spray it all over your living room. Lastly, congratulations, you have got your grilled peaches.

Roll Call Stories

Turtle Court: Please Remove the Automobile

by Cooper, age 10, Tennessee

Superhero Family and Doors

by Emi, age 8, Nebraska

There once was a family who didn't like doors. But the family were actually superheros. Their arch nemesis turned out to be... doors! Here is a story of a family of superheros. As you all know, the family didn't like doors. One day, the doors came to life! And the family had to fight the doors. The doors were trying to take over the earth. The doors had the ability to stop people from closing any door. The superhero family had to go around and close every door. But the doors kept opening and opening. But the family, through all their might, managed to get every door closed. But it turned out that all the doors really wanted were marshmallows. So the family gave every door a marshmallow and sent them home, called Dooruplandia. And the doors shared their marshmallows with everyone! The Marshmallow (The End).

The Blanket That Couldn’t Be Warm

by Elijah, age 7, Washington

It was a cold winter night and Fiddly wanted his favorite blanket, but he couldn't find it anywhere. He searched all over his room and found it under his bunk bed. His sister must have put it there. Fiddly takes his blanket into the living room and relaxes with it on the couch and it randomly starts to get colder. Confused, Fiddly calls for his dad to come check it out. His dad takes a look at the blanket and wraps it around himself. He instantly turns to ice. Fiddly runs to his mom and tells her that dad is frozen. His mom laughs, thinking that Fiddly must be joking, but follows him anyway. When they get to the living room, it's snowing! Fiddly's mom rushes over to dad and yanks the blanket off of him. Immediately, Fiddly’s dad unfreezes and is very confused. Wind starts to blow through the house and the snow is getting thicker. The blanket pulls itself from Fiddly's mom's hands and starts to speak. It explains that people have been unkind to it, so it has grown cold. Fiddly gets the idea to say nice words to the blanket to help it warm up. He tells the blanket that it's his favorite and the best blanket ever. He asks the blanket if it could be warm again. The blanket didn't realize that it was Fiddly's favorite. The snow and the wind went away and there was no sign that there was ever snow there to begin with. Fiddly is still cold and wraps himself in the blanket and it is so warm and cozy. He's happy that he could make his blanket feel like itself again. Fiddly says “The End.”

Butts/The Audition (feat. John Legend and F. Michael Haynie)

 A magnetic, musical manatee (John Legend) tries to convince the Story Pirates to form a marching band, but is he really who he says he is? Featuring two new stories: “Butts,” a song about, well, butts, sung by Broadway star F. Michael Haynie and written by Malachy, a 7 year old from Pennsylvania, and “The Audition,” a story about the trials and tribulations of putting on a brand new musical, written by a 10 year old from Massachusetts named Nora. 

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin


by Malachy, age 7, Pennsylvania
Butts are everywhere
Butts are nowhere
Butts are up
Your underwear
Butts are long
Butts are strong
Butts want to live in Hong Kong

Our adaptation of “Butts” was composed by Jack Mitchell

The Audition

by Nora, age 10. Massachusetts

NARRATOR: Usually stories start with “Once upon a time” and end with “Happily ever after”, but oh, no, this story is different. To set the scene, it was a loud, bustling day in New York City, where we find two writers, Tom.S and Tom.G, hard at work on their new musical, Dogs.

TOM.G: (on the phone) Yeah, I’ll get back to you on that Ronaldo, Ok, yeah, sounds good, bye!

TOM.S: (while pouring coffee) ‘Morning Tom, who was that?(he sips his coffee)

TOM.G: Oh, that was just Ronaldo, from set design, he wants us to make a deadline for the giant dog bone, the one you said should fall on all the dogs’ faces during “Daydreams”.

TOM.S: I forgot about the dog bone! Is he on the phone right now? Tell him to get on that! I’m going to the audit- (Tom.G shuts the door for his phone call) -ions :(

NARRATOR: And so, Tom.S set off for the auditions.

MONTAGE SINGERGUY: (singing in jazz monotone) Montage, we’re doing a montage, until Tom get’s to the auditions, yeah,yeah,yeaaaaaah! And now he’s there!

TOM.S: Here I am at the auditions! Let’s see who's first! I love this part, because they get to sing their own songs! Unlike most thetres I know! (music starts)

AUDITION #1: Your Pa-Pa-Paparazzi!


AUDITION #3: (dead silence)

TINA: (feet shuffling) Um… I’m here to sing a song, but I just made it up. Is that okay?

TOM.S: Sure! What’s your name?

TINA: Uh… Tina.

TOM.S: Okay Uh… Tina, whenever you're ready!

TINA: Okay Tina, you got this! (singing) This is remembrance! The feeling that I can’t quite reach, but now I see that thiiis belongs to me! The moment I just walked in I felt it in my bones, but now I see that thiiis is a part of me. (quieter now) And now I see that this is a part of me. Thank you!

TOM.S: Wow! That was great! You got the part!

TINA: Thank you! I can’t wait to be on Broadway!

TOM.S: Oh, you won’t be on the street, it's only 7th ave, but it technically is a Broadway musical! Tom! Get in here!

TOM.G: What!

TOM.S: We found ourselves a Rizzabella!

TOM.G: The lead!?

TOM.S: Yep! Tina over here!

TOM.G: Great! We look forward to working with you!


Roll Call Stories

The Strange Green Snow

by Isla, age 9 UK

Drake and Bobby McBobbyson (but we call him Bob for short) are best friends. They were having the

best me of their lives at a sleepover, at Drakes house, when Drake’s mum came in and said “boys, it’s

me to go to bed.”

They fell asleep and woke up to a ginormous fart! “Eeeewww!” they both said at the same me, then

they fell about laughing. Drake gets up and looks out of the window. “Come quickly Bob! It’s snowing,

but the snow is green!” Bob rushes to the window and gasps. He looks at the comic they had been

reading last night called ‘The Day of the Green Snow’.

Drake and Bob decide to go outside to explore. Bob picks up a handful of snow, and to his horror, it

starts wriggling in his hand. “Drake, it’s moving!” he shouts. At that moment, they hear a loud rustling

sound, coming from behind them. They both turn around and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Standing before them was a big, fat, green snow alien! It turns out, it wasn’t snow at all, it was

actually ny green aliens – and now they were clumping together to make one giant monster alien.

Drake and Bob look at each other and whisper “run!”, and both shoot o running. The monster starts

following them and suddenly they hear an almighty roar. They turn around to look at what’s

happening and see the big giant alien monster eat the house! “Aaaaahhhh!” they shout. They see a

big bush and decide to hide behind it. Bob puts his hand in his pocket and nds the popping candy

that he had put in there yesterday. He had an idea! “Drake, let’s throw the popping candy in to the

monsters mouth”, he said. So they both got their popping candy and threw it in to the big alien

monsters mouth. Then, suddenly, the aliens were popping everywhere – up, down, le right –


The next thing they hear is a li le voice saying “why did you do that?”. Drake and Bob look down and

see lots of li le aliens looking up at them. Bob said “it’s because we don’t want to be eaten by li le

aliens, do we?” The aliens looked sad and said “no, no, no, we’re so sorry. We weren’t trying to eat

you, we were trying to ask you something.” “But why did you eat the house then?” said the boys. “It’s

because when we cough, we eat stu by accident. We’re so sorry” said the aliens. “It’s ok”, said Bob.

“But what did you want to ask us?” “Oh, we wondered if you could help us rebuild our ship?” said the

aliens. “Oh ok”, said Drake, “we’d love to. But rst, please can I have my house back?” The aliens

laughed and said “Yes, of course. Just give us a minute”.

There was a rustling sound again, as all the aliens that were ung everywhere came back to cling on

to the big clump. Then Drake and Bob heard a loud, rumbling sound, followed by the biggest fart

they’d ever heard.

“There’s your house”, said the aliens, with a giggle.

The End

Ghost Pepper

by George, age 5, Massachusetts

There was a ghost who had a house. He went to the beach and saw a man. He said hi but the man did not respond because it was a ghost talking. The man said who is that? And the ghost said Hi its me, Im a ghost.

Can I name you? Asked the man.

Yes! Replied the ghost.

I want to name you Jack.

The ghost went back to his house and got them a snack. He brought fruit and vegetables back to the beach. He shared the snack with the man. The ghost tried a ghost pepper first. It was labeled ‘ghost pepper:warning!” the man said, No no don’t eat that! But the ghost ate it anyway. It was really really hot so the ghost ran home for water. He took a sip and went back to the beach. He picked up another pepper with no sticker. The man said, no don’t eat that! Its another ghost pepper. The ghost ate it, had another drink, and started to feel funny. The ghost began to turn back into a human. It turns out a ghost pepper can save a ghost.

The man said, ‘woah!’ as JAck became a man.

Jack was so happy. Thank you! He said. Then Jefferey walked down the beach. The ghost said to the man, remind me of your name…

The End

That wasn't his last name but this is the end of the story!

The Chicken Cow

by Julia, age 7, Georgia

The Chicken Cow

Hi my name is cow. But I am a chickin cow? Yes I am! I luve to jump into leaves! POOF chicken again!

The End