The Throne That Blasted Off/The Book Worm

Grab a hotdog, put on a hat and get ready to sit around and wait for pitchers to warm up, because the Story Pirates have got baseball fever! Featuring two new stories: “The Throne That Blasted Off,” a story about a royal chair that travels into space to save the kingdom, written by Judah, an 8 year old from Michigan, and “The Book Worm,” about a tiny visitor to the library who is a voracious reader, i mean, eater, written by a 10 year old from New York named Liana.

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

Illustration by Camila Franklin

The Throne That Blasted Off

by Judah, age 8, Michigan

Once upon a time there was a king named Percy. Now the Queen (Percy's wife) didn't like him because she was secretly an alien and thought humans were ugly. One day, she snuck and made the king's throne into a rocket ship and covered it in a blanket. The next day, the king woke up. "Ahh, what a wonderful day! I'm just gonna sit on my throne." So he did. He put his arm on the arm rest. All the sudden, he felt something. His throne started shaking so much that he fell off. When he tried to get back on his throne it wasn't there! It had blasted off to outer space without him. In space there was a UFO and in that UFO was an alien. The alien found the throne and put it in his ship to be his new chair. Then he sat on it and put his arm on the arm rest. Suddenly, it blasted off back to earth. On earth, the king was busy looking for his missing throne in the dungeon. The throne fell right on the king. The queen saw the alien sitting on the throne and said, "You look much better than a human! Dreamy! Marry me please?" And the aliens lived happily ever after.

The Book Worm

by Liana, age 10, New York

So, I want to tell you about this crazy time that I learned that you can do more with books than eat them! One day, I was at the library restaraunt and I went to the picture book section, because I wasnt that hungry and I wanted a smaller meal. I was eating this book that had the most marvelous was about a hotdog, I think, because it tasted exactly like a hotdog. Suddenly, I felt that I was being lifted higher and higher, and then I saw a small human over me. His face looked surprised, and he dropped the book with a sudden thump. Then he picked it up again and said "Mr. Worm, why are you eating this book? It's my favorite book." "Oh, so you like the library restaraunt as well?" I asked "Have you tried the history books? They're delicious. Or maybe try the fantasy books, over easy." The boy looked confused for a second, and then laughed, and said "Don't you know books are for reading?" I was confused, and asked what was reading. The boy said that reading is when you look at words and understand what they mean and they tell a story. He told me I could read the rest of the story that I had not yet eaten. So I went to a page that wasnt eaten. Wait, I can't read. The end.

Click to Read Original Stories from Other Episodes.

Roll Call Stories

The Pool of Straw [2 versions]

by David, age 6, Oregon

The Pool of Straw v 1.0
by David (age 6)

Let me tell you the story. Once upon a time there was a pool. It was full of water. Well, is that water? No. It’s straw. This pool isn’t a pool at all. It’s the mouth of a gigantic monster, full of straw. But the kids in the house where it lays in the backyard of thought it was a pool. And got eaten. The end.

The Pool of Straw v 2.0
by David (age 6)

Once upon a time there was a pool of water. Then some aliens came. And used their dry ray to dry it up. And used their straw ray to fill it up with straw because they were kind aliens and they knew the people who lived in that house were farmers. And they also used their other pool ray to turn their straw holder into a pool of water. The end.

My Pet Nose

by Bonnie, age 9, New Zealand

Attack of the Manic

by Arlo, age 8, Washington