The Tooth Fairy Room Mate

 If you think you know everything about the tooth fairy, today’s brand new story has some big surprises in store for you. Written by two siblings in Canada, 9 year old Duncan and 7 year old Scotia. 

Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!

The Tooth Fairy Room Mate

by Duncan, age 9, and Scotia, age 7, Canada

The tooth fairy is assigned to your family. If your family moves, she moves with you. The tooth fairy lives in your house. She lives in the vents of your house. When she collects your teeth she decorates the vents with them. The vents are full of teeth. Teeth that belong to all the people who have lived in your house. On Halloween the tooth fairy cracks the teeth open and puts lights inside them. Then, she strings them up as her decorations; like Christmas lights but for halloween.

The tooth fairy is named Julia Alyssa. There is one rule for the tooth fairy - she can’t take teeth that have cavities. The family Julia is assigned to has too many cavities. The family has so many cavities because the kids eat too much sugar.

Julia tries writing the parents a note. It says “Give those kids some fruits! Make sure they brush and floss their teeth!!”. But, the parents don’t listen! The cavities keep coming.

Julia has to take drastic measures. She starts brushing the kids’ teeth at night. One of the kids, John, closes his mouth and Julia gets stuck!! John sneezes a huge sneeze and spits Julia out. He wakes up and says ‘I almost swallowed a fly!!!” The other kid, Jennifer starts to wake up too, because her brother is so loud.

Julia decides she’s had enough. She has to tell John and Jennifer what’s up!!

“I am not a fly! Don’t call me a fly! That is rude. I am a professional tooth fairy! You need to brush your teeth! You need to floss! You need to eat some veggies! Or, I can’t do my job! Cavities me NO MONEY FROM THE TOOTH FAIRY!!!”

John and Jennifer lose their minds “MOM DAD! THIS FLY CAN LITERALLY TALK!!”

Julia says ‘That’s it! I quit” and flies back to her tooth condominium. SHe’s had enough of spoiled kids. She decides to retire as a tooth fairy: and moves to Las Vegas where she becomes a dental hygienist.


Roll Call Stories

The Famous Streetlight

by Sloane, age 8, California

Once upon a time there was a streetlight that could talk. It loved saying “Hello!” to people driving in their cars. One day it started raining onto the streetlight and the streetlight was still happy. The next day the streetlight felt a bit weird and a few seconds later the streetlight grew legs and arms! But now the streetlight felt proud of himself. The next day people started taking pictures of the streetlight. So, he became the most famous streetlight in the whole world! And from now on everyone loved the streetlight! But the streetlight made friends named Bob jerry and tom. And with the streetlight's legs and arms he plays with his friends all day long!

Museum: of imaginary stuff

by Gabe, age 5, North Carolina


Cows That Make Meows

by River, age 8, Australia