Superstar pop idol Skyler Twist (Catherine Cohen) brings her world famous Auras Tour to the Story Pirates ship. Featuring two new stories: “Attack of the Paper Maché!”, about a school chemistry experiment gone wrong, written by Julian, a 9 year old from California, and “What Happened to Our Sunscreen?”, a story about a mischievous wizard with a mysterious new product called Moonscreen, written by twins from Ontario named Lena and Harriet.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Attack of the Paper Maché!
by Julian, age 9, California
One time there was a kid named Maisie. She had to make a paper Mache volcano for the science fair at her school. She completed the volcano and brought it to the science fair. When she was putting the baking soda and vinegar in, she accidentally used monster baking soda. The monster baking soda turned the volcano into an evil volcano and it tried to erupt whatever it is that paper Mache volcanoes erupt in peoples face. Everyone tried to stop the volcano but with no luck. The volcano chased everyone out of the school. Then it made all of the other paper Mache projects evil too. Then Maisie had an idea. She ran home and got normal baking soda because she accidentally grabbed monster Baking soda. Then she ran to the school and tried to put the normal baking soda into the volcano, but the other paper Mache projects were protecting him like he was their king. So maisie threw the baking soda and it went into the volcano and the volcano exploded. Then the other paper Mache projects turned normal. The end.
What Happened to Our Sunscreen? The Story of Moonscreen
by Lena and Harriet, age 7, Canada
What happened to our sunscreen.
The story of moonscreen.
By Harriet and Lena (twins aged 7)
It was a hot and sticky day at the beach. The Rooney family was about to dig into their lunch. The Dad’s name was Rune, the mum was Rin and the kid’s name was Rose. Just as Rose was about to put sunscreen on, a seagull came by and swooped in and took the sunscreen. The seagull thought it was a wrap for lunch. Rose said “oh no! That’s my sunscreen!”
The seagull went back to his den. Once he got there, he noticed that it was sunscreen and not a delicious wrap. He went [spitting/farting sound]. He got mad and decided to play a trick. Then he got ready to fly back when he turned into a magician. And then, he turned the sunscreen into moonscreen. It looked like jello. He flew back as a seagull and gave it back to the Rooneys.
Rose said “Oh finally we have our sunscreen back”. When she opened it she said it looked like jello. Then she looked on the bottle and it said moonscreen and she said “Ahhh!”. Then the seagull turned into a magician once more. He said, “Put that on. It’s getting late in the day and you need to protect yourself from the moon and it’s totally normal. And anyways, it’s going to be a full moon tonight”.
So Rose put it on. Rin and Rune also put it on their whole bodies. But then, their butts started wiggling and they couldn’t stop. They all said “stop doing that, why are you doing that??” They could still walk. Rose said “what the?! It was cursed and he tricked us.” The mum and dad were so scared that they had to run to find something to do with their wiggling butts. They saw a hula hoop competition and they went and they won but there was no prize. Then they saw a dance competition for teams of 3 people. And they danced and danced and danced till they were done and they were so tired. But guess what? They won! And guess what the prize was? Sunscreen! They put on the sunscreen and their butts stopped wiggling. The End.
Roll Call Stories
The Worlds Biggest Baguette
by Rex, age 7, Massachusetts
Once I was sleeping in my bed and it was early morning, and I heard a big thunk. I opened my door and I saw a giant baguette covering my street. Then I called the police and they could not get the baguette out of its spot. The end???
The Trees With Growing Pains
by Pearl and Olivine, age 10, Tennessee
One day a forest of trees told each other that they were always cramping. They needed to call the doctor, so they did! One tree called the doctor and said, “hi, my name is Banana Pants and me and a forest have been cramping a lot, like since forever!” The doctor’s name was Joey- Jon. “Ok, I’ll be there at 18:00,” he said. It was 2:00 there. 48 hours later, the doctor arrived and he was a fox, he digged their roots our of the ground. One tree said, “I feel a lot better now.” So they ran a 5K.
They wanted to live somewhere now that they could walk. So, they asked the doctor, Joey-Jon, where to live. He said, “ask Garlic the hedgehog, she’s a real estate agent.” She showed them three houses. One was a sweater shop and the owner’s name was Cheez-It, the squirrel. They said, “no.” The next house was a pumpkin patch, the owner’s name was Book, the snake. They all said, “no.” The next house was a roller skating rink and the owner’s name was Ross the Cat. She was very nice. They all said “yes” to that one. They roller skated all day and night and lived happily ever after. The End
The Mooze
by Ryan, age 5, California
Once upon a sink, there was a bottle of milk that got left in the sink. Three Thursdays later, when the weather was super hot, the milk turned into an ooze. Or a Milk-ooze. Really, it was more of a Mooze.
The Mooze crawled out of the sink, and headed for the pantry. It made all the food in the pantry go bad. Really, really, bad. Better call the Cow Police bad.
When the Cow Captain arrived, it was too late. All the bad food had destroyed the house, and was on the moo-ve into the nearby town.
The mooze had snuck onto the shoe of the boy who lived in the house, and on his walk to school, it decided to escape into the open world.
There was CHAOS happening as The Mooze made popcorn kernels explode, and the roofs of houses went flying into the air. Before The Mooze could take over the whole world, it would have cross the ocean.
In order to stop it before it reached the ocean, everyone summoned the rain, yelling “RAIN FALL, RAIN FALL!” While doing THE rain dance. Until it did.
The Mooze was diluted, and melted into a mooze blob that sank into the ocean floor after it was washed into the sea by a big whirlpool that went all the way down to the bottom of the deepest, darkest trench. (The Mariana Trench)
The Mooze was never heard from again. The humans cheered and cheered until the water drained out, evaporated, and the ooze was officially gone.
The End.