Rolo and Baby with a Mustache compete in the 34th annual Story Pirates Mustache Competition. Featuring two new stories: “Too Much Whipped Cream,” a song about what happens when one family goes overboard with their favorite dairy topping, written by Jesse, a 6 year old from Texas, and “The Talking Towel,” a story about how hard it is to keep secrets, written by an 11 year old from Germany named Anna.
Scroll down for the original stories behind the episode!
Illustration by Camila Franklin
Too Much Whipped Cream
by Jesse, age 6, Texas
It all started with a brownie. "Mmmm chocolaty yummy goodness. It would be even better with Whipped cream!" *Shhhhhhh* "Maybe some more" *Shhhhh* "Just a little more" *Shhhhh* Until..... "TOO. MUCH. WHIPPED. CREAM!"
The Tower of Whipped Cream rose into the sky and through the clouds. *SPLAT* An airplane flew through the Whipped Cream cloud!
And then it rains, and washes all the Whipped Cream away. The End.
The Talking Towel
by Anna, age 11, Germany
Ah, what a perfect day to go to the beach!, says Reed. Just need to grab my swimsuit and towel. He arrives at the beach, “Ok, I just need to lay my towel down now”. Suddenly he hears “cough, cough, so much sand!” coming from the towel. “Did you just talk, towel!?”, exclaims Reed. “Uh, maybe” says the towel. “You talked, I heard you!” says Reed. The towel concedes “Fine, you caught me, you canNOT tell anyone that I can talk!”. “This must be a secret between us”. Reed admits, “I am super bad at keeping secrets”. Suddenly, the boy yells out “Hey everyone, my towel can talk!”. Then many random strangers comment “OMG, this towel can talk. Wow, that is so cool”.
The towel then says, “Oh no, we need to do something, no one is supposed to know I can talk!”. So Reed says “Oh, I know, so that no one else knows about it, we can…put the people in my closet at home!”. The towel says “They will probably just escape”, and Reed says: “True, maybe we can send them on a fancy tropical vacation! They will never want to leave.” Then towel says “How much money do you have?”. Reed empties his pockets, “hmm, I have a button, lint, and two quarters, let’s go to the airport and buy sixteen tickets for the people who know you can talk”.
At the airport, the lady at the counter says: “With a button, lint, and two quarters you can get a small airplane sticker. A plane ticket to a tropical vacation costs 2,500 dollars EACH!” Reed then says “That is so expensive! We need more ideas on what to do, let’s go to the beach and come up with new ideas, I have better ideas when relaxed”. So he and towel went back to the beach.
As they walk to their beach chair, a man walks by with something in his hand. Reeds asks “Excuse me sir, what are you carrying there?”. The man replies, “This is a memory eraser, it makes people forget all memories from the last day”. So Reed says, “Can we by any chance borrow that for a button, some lint, and two quarters?”. “That is a super deal”, says the man, so they agree to the deal and the man gives the memory eraser to Reed, who then begins to erase memories of those who know towel can talk. ZAP, ZAP, ZAP, ZAP, ZAP…until all sixteen people had their memory erased. So then it was just Reed and the towel sitting on their beach chairs, when towel says “only one more person to zap”. “Who?”, says Reed. Then towel grabs the memory eraser and ZAPs Reed, “You” the towel quickly says.
Roll Call Stories
The Chicken Which Had a Phone
by Emma, age 8, Poland
Ha ha! I am a chicken and I am evil! And I will take over all the chicken coops! boo! aaa! who are you? I am hero chicken which has a phone! why do you have a phone? I have no idea. ok now I will take over this chicken coop! boom! oh no! he’s gone! now I will text someone for help. tap,tap,tap send ok done. a hundred whooshes ok now I have back up. cluck cluck cluck! we will help you hero chicken which has a phone! but why do you have a phone? I DON’T KNOW! ok? Um ok? let’s go defeat evil chicken! ha ha ha! I already took over twelve chicken coops! now only a million to go! zoom! we will defeat you evil chicken! boom! karate move! hi-yah! ow! I can never be defeated! you can with my phone! how? you don’t even know what it’s for! It holds my super duper power! boooooooooooooooooooom!!! ah! I am defeated! three cheers for hero chicken which has a phone! hip hip hooray! but… but what? I’m not a chicken! what?! I’m a duck! the end.
The Leaves Ate Me
by Eli, age 8, New York
Once I raked a pile of leaves and jumped in them and it ate me.
Jerry the Jack-o’-Lantern
by Florence, age 10, Canada
Jerry the jack-o-lantern had a very big secret, he wanted to dress as a kid for Halloween! But it was strictly against the Pumpkin Law to do so. One night, he asked his mother if he could wear hair, googly eyes, and a shirt for Halloween. The conversation was not very good.“Mom,” Jerry asked when everyone was out of the room “I want to ask you something. On Halloween can I go trick or treating with humans dressed as a pumpkin?” when his mother heard the news she almost fell off the table they were being carved on. “Are you serious,” she whispered so they couldn’t be heard by humans. “You know it is against the law.” his mother sort of screamed while whispering to him for an hour until the humans arrived. The next day, Jerry was really mad and decided to go trick or treating as a kid no matter what. After the humans left, he put himself on a pole, wore a shirt, wig, pants, and pasted eyeballs into his eye holes. Then, he put the pole on a vacuum cleaner and grabbed a bag for trick or treating and started the vacuum cleaner. Then the vacuum cleaner went everywhere! It went to the left, right, and back. At first people thought this was just a very good Halloween costume, then one of his eyeballs fell out and people screamed. People went everywhere and called the police. Jerry quickly turned off the vacuum cleaner. When he got back home, he expected his mom to shout at him, but instead his mom started laughing uncontrollably. And they laughed for the whole night.